"UKIP poised for success as radical right party.."

17 Jan 2011 14:56:25.657

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In the recent Oldham by-election, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) confirmed its status as the fourth largest party in British politics, ahead of the British National Party (BNP). Now, with the local elections looming, experts are warning that UKIP looks set to become a successful radical right party, similar to those seen in countries like Austria, France and Italy, and a ‘significant vehicle’ for Islamophobia.

“Our research shows that Euroscepticism is not the whole story where UKIP is concerned,” say two of its authors — Dr Robert Ford and Dr Matthew Goodwin — experts on voting behaviour at the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham.

“There’s no doubt the party’s position on Europe is a big factor, but their supporters are increasingly concerned with attitudes more typically associated with the British National Party (BNP). Like far right voters, those who vote UKIP are dissatisfied with the mainstream parties and hostile toward immigration.”

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More information is available from Dr Matthew Goodwin on +44 (0)7929045857, matthew.goodwin@nottingham.ac.uk or Mike Addelman Press Officer, The University of Manchester on +44(0)161 275 0790, 07717 881 1567, michael.addelman@manchester.ac.uk

  Andrew Burden

Andrew Burden - Digital Communications Manager

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