University researchers to test new community pharmacy service

Pharmacist discussing a prescription with a patient
26 Mar 2012 14:27:58.193
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A new NHS community pharmacy scheme to help patients understand and get the best out of a new medicine is to be tested and evaluated by a team led by The University of Nottingham in collaboration with University College London and Warwick Business School.

The New Medicine Service started in October 2011 and will run until March 2013 with funding of up to £55 million in both 2011/12 and 2012/13 available for its delivery. The service provides support from community pharmacists for people with long-term conditions who are newly prescribed a medicine to help them solve any problems with their medication or its management.

The study is being led by Professor Rachel Elliott and Dr Matthew Boyd. Dr Boyd said: “The New Medicine Service is a great opportunity to formalise the excellent work community pharmacists already do every day supporting patients with their medicines. This study intends to provide an evidence base for how pharmacists can support patients with their new medicines. It is hoped it will inform the development of more pharmacy services in the future.”
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More information is available from Dr Matthew Boyd, School of Pharmacy on +44 (0)115 951 5061,;

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