Nottingham experts take part in world's first commercial space flight

10 May 2012 13:28:24.930

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A team of space flight veterans from The University of Nottingham have helped an American high school student launch his very own experiment in space. It will be despatched on the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, the world’s first commercial vehicle to visit the International Space Station (ISS).

Maryland high school student Paul Warren approached Dr Nate Szewczyk and his team in the Derby based School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Health because of their successful track record in carrying out experiments in space. Dr Szewczyk has spent many years studying the effect of space flight on Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). With four space flights under his belt these microscopic worms are helping us understand how the human body might react to long term space flight.

Paul’s experiment is one of 15 selected by theAmerican Student Spaceflight Experiments Programme  (SSEP) to fly on the first commercial spacecraft, SpaceX Dragon. Paul is attempting to understand the effect of microgravity and radiation on a population of C. elegans. Blast off is now targetted for Saturday 19 May 2012 and the experiment will be triggered by astronauts once it is onboard the ISS.

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More information is available from Freya Shepherd, at The University of Nottingham,
Lindsay Brooke

Lindsay Brooke - Media Relations Manager

Email: Phone: +44 (0)115 951 5751 Location: University Park

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