Unique study reveals dog owners' motivations for pet blood donation

Animal Blood Donation
13 Feb 2017 11:59:55.553

A new study by researchers at the University of Nottingham’s Vet School has revealed fascinating insights into the motivations of pet owners who volunteer their dog as a blood donor.

Human blood donation saves millions of lives a year worldwide and for the past decade canine blood banks have also been operating in the UK. These blood banks collect process and store canine blood and are increasingly being used by veterinary surgeons as animal healthcare advances and demand for animal blood products to use in veterinary transfusion grows.

The research draws on findings from interviews with pet owners to explore their reasoning and motivations for offering their pet as an animal blood donor. It foundthat owners often refer to their personal experiences or assumptions about human blood donation when explaining their decision.

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More information is available from Dr Vanessa Ashall vanessa.ashall@nottingham.ac.uk or Dr Pru Hobson-West pru.hobson-west@nottingham.ac.uk

Emma Rayner - Media Relations Manager

Email: emma.rayner@nottingham.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)115 74 84413  Location: University Park

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