'Pint of Science' – artists meet scientists to get creative

10 May 2017 16:36:15.350

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What makes spiders fly? Has lefty the snail found love? How can we trick bacteria into making jet fuel? How do we make antibiotics from scorpion venom? Scientists will provide some of the answers to these questions when ‘Pint of Science’ returns to pubs and bars around Nottingham next week.

From Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 May Nottingham’s watering holes will join pubs and bars in more than 100 cities across 9 different countries – including France, Australia, Brazil and Canada when they take part in this three day global festival of science.

The event culminates in a ‘Grand Finale’ at the Nottingham Contemporary gallery on Thursday 18 May at 7pm to 10pm when there will be a showcase of all the ‘masterpieces’ that the artist/scientist pairs have created – a project to create science through art which is new for 2017. 

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Story credits

Note to editors: More information is available from Matthew Young (Nottingham’s Coordinator) on +44 (0) 7825604556, matthew.young@nottingham.ac.uk or Hannah Tomlin (Nottingham Publicity Lead) on +44 (0) 7479684842, hannah.tomlin@nottingham.ac.uk or Lindsay Brooke/Jane Icke, Media Relations Managers for the Faculty of Science, on +44 (0)115 951 5751, lindsay.brooke@nottingham.ac.uk or jane.icke@nottingham.ac.uk
Lindsay Brooke

Lindsay Brooke - Media Relations Manager

Email: lindsay.brooke@nottingham.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)115 951 5751 Location: University Park

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