Horse colic campaign wins prestigious award

REACT award
21 Sep 2017 15:30:00.000

A campaign to raise awareness of colic in horses among horse owners pioneered by the University of Nottingham’s Vet School and the British Horse Society has won the prestigious Veterinary Record Evidence Award.

REACT Now to Beat Colic educates horse owners on how to spot the early signs of colic in horses and encourages them to have a plan in place should their horse becomes critically ill. The campaign, run by the BHS is based on five years of research by Nottingham Vet School and was funded by World Horse Welfare.

The extensive research found that 90% of horse owners did not feel confident spotting the early signs of colic, and that up to 1 in 5 cases of colic seen by vets as an ‘out of hours’ emergency can be critical. The BHS ‘REACT’ campaign is linked to the ‘Vet React’ campaign, which has resources to help veterinary teams identify critical cases of colic as quickly as possible.

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More information is available from Professor Sarah Freeman, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on +44 (0)115 951 6422 

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