Paediatric Accident and Emergency Research Group


Evidence-based guidelines for the management of common and important acute paediatric presentations to hospitals


Diarrhoea and Vomiting - An evidence based guideline for children presenting with diarrhoea +/- vomiting



Dr Kate Armon (1), Dr Maria Atkinson (1), Dr Monica Lakhanpaul (1), Miss Pippa Eccleston (1), Dr Roderick MacFaul (2), Dr Stephanie Smith (3), Dr Ursula Werneke (4), Miss Lynn Williams (3), Professor Terence Stephenson (1)


Developed          January           1999

Updated              November      2002

Date for review  January           2005


Please note that following good clinical practice guidelines can improve patient outcomes. However, guidelines should be used in the context of the clinical condition of each individual patient. The clinical decisions used to manage patients with diarrhoea +/- vomiting remain the responsibility of the health professionals looking after that patient. Neither the guideline authors nor the website server providing access to the guideline take any responsibility for patient outcomes.

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1 Academic Division of Child Health,
School of Human Development, University of Nottingham,
University Hospital, Nottingham NG7 2UH.

2 Pinderfields General Hospital
Aberford Road
, Wakefield
WF1 4DG.

3Queen's Medical Centre
University Hospital NHS Trust
Derby Road

Nottingham NG7 2UH

4Maudsley Hospital
London SE5 8AZ.


Professor Terence Stephenson at the above address or email

Conflict of interest: none.

Funding for guideline development

Children Nationwide funds high quality research into a wide range of serious diseases and conditions affecting babies, infants and children. Our purpose is to provide support and opportunities to exceptionally talented research Doctors, who are undertaking important and innovative projects, which if successful, are likely to attract continuation funding from elsewhere.