Minutes of meeting 16th July, 2004


Present at meeting:        Dr Maria Atkinson                 (fellow)

                                          Dr David Bond                      (general paediatrician)

Dr Jim Bonham                     (clinical chemist)

Dr Richard Bowker               (fellow)

                                          Gordon Denney                     (lay representative/sponsor)

                                          Sr Sue Shipston                    (nurse practitioner A+E)      

Dr William Whitehouse         (paed. neurologist)


Apologies from:         Dr Mandy Hampshire           (primary care)

Miss Susie Hewitt                 (general A+E)

Dr Monica Lakhanpaul         (guideline methodologist)

                                    Dr Ian Maconochie                (paed. A+E)

                                    Dr Stephanie Smith              (paed. A+E)

                                    Prof Terence Stephenson    (chair)

                                    Dr Harish Vyas                      (PICU)

                                    Dr John Walter                      (metabolic medicine)




1                    Minutes of last meeting

                        The minutes of the last meeting 23rd February were approved without changes.


2                    Latest draft algorithm

                        The latest draft algorithm was reviewed. Issues raised included the need for child protection to be addressed in the algorithm; overdoses of opiates and benzodiazepines should be included in the “no clinical clues” box; the terms “seizure”, “fitting” and “ictal” should change to “convulsion”; and the “ongoing seizures” box should only include convulsive status with non-convulsive status becoming part of the “no clinical clues box”.


3                    Review the scope of guideline again

                        The end point of each management strategy was agreed upon.

            “Shock” management will end after boluses of fluid and intubation without giving guidance on inotropic agents.

            “Sepsis” management will end with tests sent and first line antibiotics given.

            “Trauma” management will end with the recognition of trauma.

            “Raised intracranial pressure” management will end with advice on who should have invasive intracranial pressure monitoring in place and what the goals of therapy should be aiming for.

            “Intracranial infection” management will end with first line antibiotics / acyclovir started and which tests to do to diagnose the rarer infections.

            “Metabolic Illness” management will end with the emergency treatments of raised ammonia, severe acidosis and ketosis, and hypoglycaemia with testing ongoing for definitive diagnosis of other possible metabolic causes of reduced conscious level.

            “Ongoing convulsion” management will end with recognition of convulsive status.

            “Post-convulsion” management will finish with recognition and recovery within a time frame before considering other causes.

            “No clinical clues to cause” management will finish with tests being extended to look for rarer causes and supportive treatments started whilst awaiting those tests.


4                    Evidence level system

                        The SIGN and the Oxford CEBM levels of evidence systems were reviewed. For the time being papers will be appraised using both systems and a decision will            be taken which will be used for clarity later.


5                    Paper appraisal – internal validation

                        All papers are appraised by Richard Bowker. Those papers appraised level A or B will be independently checked by another member of the guideline development group.


6                    Delphi process and draft statements

                        Suggestions for Delphi panel members were welcomed as only half had been recruited by the stakeholder groups so far.

                        A decision to include patients and paediatric endocrinologists was made.

                        The “Don’t know” box should negate the need for highlighting groups of panellists to answer individual statements.


7                    Any other business

                        Implementation would be aided by presentations at the Trent Paediatric Society meeting, publishing in Emergency nurse journal/Paediatric nurse, and an            education day on reduced conscious level.


8                    Next meetings


                        Tuesday 21st September, 2pm

                        Wednesday 17th November, 2pm

                        Wednesday 9th February, 2pm


Minutes written by Richard Bowker 20th July 2004