Minutes of meeting 9th February, 2005


Present at meeting:  Dr Jim Bonham                     (clinical chemist)

                                    Dr Richard Bowker               (fellow)

                                    Mr Gordon Denney               (lay representative/sponsor)

                                    Miss Susie Hewitt                 (general ED)

                                    Dr Monica Lakhanpaul         (guideline methodologist)

                                    Sr Sue Shipston                    (emergency department practitioner)

                                    Prof Terence Stephenson    (chair)

                                    Dr William Whitehouse         (paed. neurologist)


Apologies from:         Dr Maria Atkinson                 (fellow)

                                    Dr David Bond                      (general paediatrician)

                                    Dr Mandy Hampshire           (primary care)

                                    Dr Ian Maconochie                (paed. ED)

                                    Dr Stephanie Smith              (paed. ED)

                                    Dr Harish Vyas                      (PICU)

                                    Dr John Walter                      (metabolic medicine)




1.      Minutes of last meeting

            The minutes of the last meeting 17th November 2004 were approved without changes.


2.      Overview of the Delphi results round one and two


The GDG discussed all the statements which had reached consensus and those which had not reached consensus in rounds one and two. The GDG decided some statements, which had already reached consensus, should be altered for clarity and put back to the panel in round three. Some new statements were suggested for round three. Some statements which did not reach consensus should be altered and put back to the panel in round three. Some statements which did not reach consensus should be omitted from the guideline. And finally, some statements which did not reach consensus should be left to local policy decisions.


Statements already reaching consensus

Original statement:

“Children with a reduced conscious level should have the following observations made: heart rate; respiratory rate; oxygen saturation level; blood pressure; continuous cardiac monitoring; temperature.”

Change to statement suggested as some of these are continuously monitored whilst others are recorded as isolated observations.


Original statement:

“In children with a reduced conscious level, a capillary glucose of <2.6 mmol/l is low and should be investigated further and corrected.”

A discussion as to whether this should apply to children less than 4 weeks old (who may have a low cap. glucose due to feeding difficulties) concluded that the safe approach to take was to correct the hypoglycaemia with a bolus of dextrose plus infusion. A trial feed for an infant with a reduced conscious level could not be recommended by the guideline, but individual practitioners could deviate from the guideline on a case-by-case basis. No change to statement was made.


New statements for round three


A statement clarifying that a child needs to be roused from normal sleep before a Glasgow coma scale of less than 15 is documented was proposed by Dr Whitehouse.


A statement about the clinical clues for the suspected diagnosis of bacterial meningitis when neck stiffness is not present needs to be put to the panel (the evidence is only available for children who have neck stiffness).


A statement for acyl carnitines to be measured in hypoglycaemia cases and “cause unknown” was requested by Dr Bonham as this is a very easy test to perform and faster than urine organic acids in many centres.


Statements not reaching consensus in round two changed for round three


      Original statement:

            “In children with a reduced conscious level, a capillary glucose of 2.6-3.5 is borderline low and should be repeated within 10 minutes”

            The feedback from the panel suggests that the timing of repeating the test is debatable and that the type of repeat test required is debatable.

            Round three statement:

            This will be divided into two separate statements, allowing a range of timings and reaffirming that the core investigations should be sent (which include a true glucose).


            Original statement:

            “Children with a reduced conscious level should be considered for intubation if their oxygen saturations are less than 92% despite high flow oxygen therapy”

            Feedback from the panel suggest that further treatments need to be instigated.

            Round three statement:

            “Children with a reduced conscious level should be considered for intubation if their oxygen saturations are less than 92% despite high flow oxygen therapy and airway opening manoeuvres”


Original statement:

            “Children with a reduced conscious level should be considered for intubation if they have signs of shock despite initial fluid resuscitation therapy”

            Feedback suggested more clarity about the initial therapy.

            Round three statement:

            “Children with a reduced conscious level should be considered for intubation if they have signs of shock despite fluid resuscitation of 40ml/kg or more”


            Original statement:

            “Herpes simplex encephalitis should be suspected clinically in a child with a reduced conscious level if the child has had a prolonged convulsion with no other known precipitating cause, the child has focal neurological signs, the child has had a fluctuating conscious level for 6 hours or more.”

            Most of the statements nearly reached consensus. The statements will be fed back to the panel unchanged, with additional statements combining the symptoms.


            Original statement:

            “A child with a reduced conscious level and no obvious clinical sign pointing towards the cause should have the core investigations reviewed and the following additional tests should be requested: urine amino acids, an urgent EEG, serology for mycoplasma, ESR, thyroid function test”

            The round 3 statements will confirm that the core tests have been reviewed without shedding light on the diagnosis, that these tests should be “considered” and the time frame of “urgent” for EEG. Note acyl carnitine will be added to the list for round three.


            Statements not put forward to round 3


            CT scan for sepsis, bacterial meningitis, prolonged convulsion or herpes simplex encephalitis. (A CT scan was agreed if the cause is unknown, raised ICP, or a suspected intracranial abscess, which would cover most eventualities).


            Statements where consensus will not be reached


            Fluid therapy in raised ICP was split down the middle 70% v 100% maintenance. A statement in the final guideline document will acknowledge this as an area for local discussion.

            The dose of mannitol could not be agreed upon ranging from 0.25 g/kg – 1 g/kg. Again this will be acknowledged in the final guideline.


3.      Delphi round three

This will start shortly and hopefully be completed by the beginning of April 2005.


4.      Audit points for the guideline

The GDG were asked to think about what can be audited and what would be the suggested audit topics which the guideline can put forward as part of the implementation package.

Suggested points included:            

·        The standard of capillary glucose being measured within 15 minutes of arrival

·        The standard of an experienced paediatrician reviewing a child with a reduced level of consciousness and suspected sepsis within one hour of arrival

·        The standard of the core investigations being performed for children with reduced conscious level within the first hour of presentation, especially whether a plasma ammonia is being requested.

·        The standard of the observations recommended being documented by the nursing/medical staff.


Further audit points will be discussed at the next GDG meeting, so please continue to think about what can be audited and what should be audited.

5.      The Trustees/Stakeholder meeting will take place on Friday October 7th at 11am – 2pm (lunch included). As well as an opportunity to inform the National Reyes Syndrome Foundation Trustees of the work achieved over the last two years, it will also be a forum for the stakeholder groups to comment on the final draft version before it goes to external validation.

                  As well as the listed stakeholder groups (see website) invitations will be sent to the Delphi panellists, the NPSA, CHAI, Clinical directors group of RCPCH, the RCPCH representative for Dept. of Health, Patient representative groups, NHS risk managers forum, and the chair of Q.P.C. for the RCPCH.


Please note:

Next GDG meeting is on Wednesday June 15th, at 11.00 in the PGEC at QMC.