Browse by person: videos involving Stephanie Bridges.

(School of Pharmacy)

Videos 1 - 10 of 10    


Approaches to studying for learning at university.

"… I thought, well, in a minute, you know, we've done all this sort of paper planning and people and equipment…"

4 min 10s video, November 2009.


Globalisation and a university education.

"… It's not just international students and thinking about the international students but actually, it's a much wider process and…"

4 min 13s video, November 2009.


Graduate qualities: transferable skills and intercultural competence.

"… I think the thing that the best university students do in my view and what marks them out, is that they ask…"

3 min 54s video, November 2009.


Idiomatic language in teaching.

"… I remember one particular incident, I do some lectures on composite materials, and there…"

1 min 36s video, September 2009.


Integrating students from across campuses.

"… I've done quite a lot of student interviews as part of my research and I find a real variety in students, in…"

4 min 45s video, November 2009.


Mixing international students and home students for small group study.

"…  Talking to international students, the ones I've discussed this with, they are quite strongly of the view that they…"

2 min 53s video, November 2009.


National subject specifications and the international context.

"… We've always taught sort of UK spec on everything from health and safety through to patent…"

3 min 33s video, September 2009.


Providing a cultural context to the discipline.

"… Well, I suppose, the issue for me in business is that, if you look at the origins of business education, it's…"

5 min 33s video, November 2009.


The staff experience of learning from internationalisation.

"… Certainly teaching in other countries, which I've done quite a bit of, you learn a huge amount because there…"

4 min 21s video, September 2009.


Strategies to address a reluctance to ask questions in lectures.

"… People are often too shy to raise issues, but one of the things that I tend to do periodically through the lectures…"

5 min 55s video, November 2009.


Videos 1 - 10 of 10    


Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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