School of Psychology

Publication of the Month- August 2023

Welcome to our Journal of the Month news release series, where we highlight some of the work that is taking place within the psychology division. This month, we are featuring a journal from Eamonn Ferguson, titled: ‘Warming Up Cool Cooperators’. Eamonn has put together a few words describing what their research entails.

‘Explaining why someone repeats high-cost cooperation towards non-reciprocating strangers is difficult. Warm-glow offers an explanation. We argue that warm-glow, as a mechanism to sustain long-term cooperation, cools off over time but can be warmed up with a simple intervention message. We tested our predictions in the context of repeat voluntary blood donation (high cost helping of a non-reciprocating stranger) across 6 studies: a field-based experiment (n = 5,821) comparing warm-glow and impure-altruism messages; an implementation study comparing a 3-year pre-implementation period among all first-time donors in Australia (N =270,353) with a 2-year post-implementation period (Ns = 170, 317); and 4 studies (ns = 716, 1124, 932, 1592) exploring mechanisms. We show that there are relatively warm- and cool-cooperators, not cooling-cooperators. Cooperation among cool-cooperators is enhanced by a warm-glow-plus-identity message. Furthermore, the behavioural facilitation of future cooperation, by booking an appointment, is associated with being a warm-cooperator. Societal implications are discussed.’

If this article has caught your interest, you can read it at the following place:

Posted on Thursday 31st August 2023

School of Psychology

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