BONARDI, CHARLOTTE, PARDON, MARIE-CHRISTINE and ARMSTRONG, PAUL, 2021. Time or Place? Dissociation Between Object-in-Place and Relative Recency in Young APPswe/PS1dE9 Mice BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE. 135(1), 39-50 ARMSTRONG, PAUL, PARDON, MARIE-CHRISTINE and BONARDI, CHARLOTTE, 2020. Timing Impairments in Early Alzheimer's Disease: Evidence From a Mouse Model BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE. 134(2), 82-100 NITKA, ALEKSANDER W., BONARDI, CHARLOTTE and ROBINSON, JASPER, 2020. A Associative Analysis of Recognition Memory: Relative Recency Effects in an Eye-Tracking Paradigm JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL LEARNING AND COGNITION. 46(3), 314-326 BONARDI, C. and JENNINGS, D.J., 2019. The effects of stimulus distribution form during trace conditioning Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. JENNINGS D. and BONARDI C., 2017. Blocking by fixed and variable stimuli: Effects of stimulus distribution on blocking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 70(9), 1964-1972 BONARDI C., ROBINSON J. and JENNINGS D.J., 2017. Can existing associative processes explain occasion setting? Some old ideas and some new data. Behavioural Processes. 137, 5-18 (In Press.)
ALARCÓN D and BONARDI C, 2016. The Effect of Conditioned Inhibition on the Specific Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer Effect Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition. 42, 82-94 BONARDI, CHARLOTTE, BRILOT, BEN and JENNINGS, DOMHNALL J., 2016. Learning About the CS During Latent Inhibition: Preexposure Enhances Temporal Control JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL LEARNING AND COGNITION. 42(2), 187-199 TUNNEY R.C., ALLEN H.A., BONARDI C. and BLAKE H., 2016. The effects of aging and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes.. In: BRUNO D., ed., The preservation of memory Routledge.
BONARDI C., CHEUNG T.H.C., MONDRAGÓN E. and TAM S.K.E., 2016. Timing and Conditioning: Theoretical Issues. In: R.A. MURPHY and R.C. HONEY, eds., The Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning Wiley. 348-379
BONARDI, C., MONDRAGÓN, E., BRILOT, B. and JENNINGS, D.J., 2015. Overshadowing by fixed and variable duration stimuli. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 68, 523-542
TAM S.K.E., JENNINGS D.J. and BONARDI C., 2015. Effects of Dorsal Hippocampal Damage on Conditioning and Conditioned-response Timing: A Pooled Analysis Hippocampus. 25, 444-459
ROBINSON, J. and BONARDI, C., 2015. An Associative Analysis of Object Memory Behavioural Brain Research. 285, 1-9 TAM S.K.E., BONARDI C. and ROBINSON J., 2015. Relative Recency Influences Object-In-Context Memory Behavioural Brain Research. 281, 250-257 TAM S.K.E., ROBINSON, J., JENNINGS, D.J. and BONARDI, C., 2014. Dissociations in the effect of delay on object recognition: Evidence for an associative model of recognition memory Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 40(1), 106-115 MONDRAGÓN, E., GRAY, J., ALONSO, E., BONARDI, C. and JENNINGS, D., 2014. SSCC TD: A Serial and Simultaneous Configural-Cue Compound Stimuli representation for Temporal Difference learning PlosOne.
JENNINGS, D.J., ALONSO, E., MONDRAGÓN, E., FRANSSEN, M. and BONARDI, C., 2013. The effect of stimulus distribution form on the acquisition and rate of conditioned responding: implications for theory Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 39(3), 233-248 HE, Z., CASSADAY, H.J., BONARDI, C. and BIBBY, P., 2013. Do personality traits predict individual differences in excitatory and inhibitory learning? Frontiers in Psychology: Personality Science and Individual Differences. 4, 245 BONARDI, C., BARTLE, C. and JENNINGS, D., 2012. US specificity of occasion setting: Hierarchical of configural learning? Behavioural Processes. 90, 311-322 HE, Z., CASSADAY, H.J., HOWARD, R.C., KHALIFA, N. and BONARDI, C., 2011. Impaired Pavlovian conditioned inhibition in offenders with personality disorders Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64(12), 2334-2351 BONARDI, C., BARTLE, C., BOWLES, K., DE PULFORD, F. and JENNINGS, D.J., 2010. Some appetitive procedures for examining associative learning in the mouse: implications for psychopathology Behavioural Brain Research. 211(2), 240-247 JENNINGS, D.J., ALONSO, E., MONDRAGÓN, E. and BONARDI, C., 2010. Temporal uncertainty during overshadowing:a temporal difference approach.. In: ALONSO, E. and MONDRAGÓN, E., eds., Computational neuroscience for advancing artificial intelligence: models, methods and applications Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
BONARDI, C. and JENNINGS, D., 2009. Learning about associations: evidence for a hierarchical account of occasion setting Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 35(3), 440-445 BONARDI, C. and JENNINGS, D., 2007. Occasion setting of timing behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 33(3), 339-348 BONARDI, C., 2007. Occasion setting is specific to the CS-US association Learning and Motivation. 32, 208-228 JENNINGS,D, BONARDI,C and KIRKPATRICK, K., 2007. Stimulus duration effects in overshadowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 33, 464-475 BONARDI, C and & JENNINGS, D., 2007. Learning about associations: Evidence for a hierarchical account of occasion setting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 35, 440-445
BONARDI, C., HALL, G. and ONG, S.Y., 2005. Analysis of the learned irrelevance effect in appetitive pavlovian conditioning Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B, Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 58(2), 141-162 BONARDI, C. and ONG, S.Y., 2003. Learned irrelevance: a contemporary overview Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B, Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 56(1), 80-89 MONDRAGóN, ESTHER, BONARDI, CHARLOTTE and HALL, GEOFFREY, 2003. Negative priming and occasion setting in an appetitive Pavlovian procedure. Learning & Behavior. 31(3), 281-91
BONARDI, C. and WARD-ROBINSON, J., 2001. Occasion setters: Specificity to the US and the CS-US association. Learning and Motivation. 32(3), 349-366 BONARDI, C., 1998. Conditional learning: An associative analysis.. In: Associative learning and cognition in animals: Occasion setting. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.. 37-67
HITCHCOTT, P. K., BONARDI, C. M. T. and PHILLIPS, G. D., 1997. Enhanced stimulus-reward learning by intra-amygdala administration of a D~3 dopamine receptor agonist Psychopharmacology. VOL 133(NUMBER 3), 240-248 BONARDI, C. and HALL, G., 1996. Learned Irrelevance: No More Than the Sum of CS and US Preexposure Effects? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. VOL 22(NUMBER 2), 183-191 BONARDI, C., 1996. Transfer of Occasion Setting. The Role of Generalization Decrement Animal Learning & Behavior. VOL 24(NUMBER 3), 277-289 DE BRUGADA, I, GARCIA-HOZ, V, BONARDI, C and HALL, G, 1995. Role of stimulus ambiguity in conditional learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 21(4), 275-84 PURVES, D., BONARDI, C. and HALL, G., 1995. Enhancement of Latent Inhibition in Rats With Electrolytic Lesions of the Hippocampus Behavioral Neuroscience. VOL 109(NUMBER 2), 366 BONARDI, C. and HALL, G., 1994. Occasion-setting Training Renders Stimuli More Similar: Acquired Equivalance between the Targets of Feature-positive Discriminations Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 47(1), 63
BONARDI, C. and HALL, G., 1994. Discriminative Inhibition Is Specific to the Response-Reinforcer Association but Not to the Discriminative Stimulus Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. VOL 20(NUMBER 3), 278 HALL,G., RAY,E. and BONARDI,C., 1993. Acquired equivalence between cues trained with a common antecedent. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 19(4), 391-399 HONEY, R.C., HALL, G. and BONARDI, C., 1993. Negative priming in associative learning: Evidence from serial conditioning procedures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 19, 90-97 BONARDI, C., 1991. Blocking of occasion setting in feature-positive discriminations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 43, 431-448 BONARDI,C., GUTHRIE,D. and HALL,G., 1991. The effect of a retention interval on habituation of the neophobic response. Animal Learning & Behavior. 19(1), 11-17 BONARDI, C, 1989. Inhibitory discriminative control is specific to both the response and the reinforcer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 41(3), 225-42
BONARDI,C., 1988. Mechanisms of inhibitory discriminative control. Animal Learning & Behavior. 16(4), 445-450 BONARDI, C., 1988. Associative explanations of discriminative inhibition effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 40, 63-82
TAM, S.K.E., JENNINGS, D.J. and BONARDI, C., Dorsal hippocampal involvement in conditioned-response timing and maintenance of temporal information in the absence of the CS. Experimental Brain Research. 227, 547-559