Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

POEM — Patient Oriented Eczema Measure


The Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) is a tool used for monitoring atopic eczema severity. It focuses on the illness as experienced by the patient. 

Suitable for use in the outpatient clinic, audit, epidemiological studies and clinical trials, POEM has been recommended for use by clinical guidelines including those issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). 

POEM is recommended by the  HOME (Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema) initiative as the core outcome instrument for measuring patient-reported symptoms in eczema trials.


About using POEM

  • Commercial users of POEM must pay a per patient fee 
  • POEM remains free to use for non-commercial applications (eg government or charity funded research studies, personal use).
  • You do not need a license to use POEM or to create a translation but terms and conditions for commercial use apply.
  • POEM is copyright of the University of Nottingham
  • Further information about scoring POEM is available below
Details of the original publication and studies relating to the validation of the scale and the Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) are listed in the reference section.

Permissions to use POEM


POEM Download - English (UK)

Self-completion: This version is suitable for patients who are able to read and understand the questions. This will include both adults and older children. 

POEM - self completion (PDF)
(MS word file)

Caregiver-reported: This version is for caregivers to fill out on their child's behalf. There are no specific age cut-offs for using this version.

POEM - caregiver reported (PDF)
(MS Word file)

Self-completion/caregiver-reported: This version is suitable for both self completion and for caregivers to fill our on their child's behalf.

POEM self-completion/caregiver-reported (PDF)
(MS Word file)


POEM Download - Electronic Format (Android/IOS)

POEM is now available to download on mobile devices. Using the app, My Eczema Tracker,  POEM can be completed electronically and the score automatically calculated. Additionally, POEM scores are stored, so  eczema severity can be tracked over weeks and months. My Eczema tracker contains RECAP as well as POEM, both are questionnaires recommended for use by the Harmonizing Outcomes for Eczema initiative (HOME).

appstore play-badge

Click on the links above to download the app, or search My Eczema Tracker in your app store. 

Need to report an issue? If you've encounted a bug or error with the app, please get in touch.

Accessibility statement


POEM Download - Translations

We have a selection of free translations available in PDF format for non-commercial use, which are listed below. Please see the FAQ section for further information about translations.

If you're thinking of creating a translation of POEM, please see our guidance document. If you'd like us to sign-off your translation, please send us a completed copy of our checklist document.


* indicates the translation has been created by a research group. We have had these translations checked for accuracy by a dermatologist fluent in English and the language of the translation, however, we cannot vouch for the methodology original used to create these translations (nor provide any certification).

¶ indicate that the translation team has followed our recommended steps for translating POEM fully. The back translations have been checked for accuracy by the CEBD team and signed off as completed.

Frequently Asked Questions (click on question to reveal answer)

Who owns the copyright of POEM?
What permissions do I need to use POEM in my clinic/observational study/clinical trial?
How is scoring done?
What does a POEM score mean?
What happens when there are missing data and unclear responses?
Can I alter the wording or presentation of POEM?
Do I need a license to reproduce POEM within another publication, such as a text book?
Can I create an electronic / online version of POEM?
Do you have any (more) translations?
I work for/on behalf of a organisation which requires POEM to be translated into another language. What permissions are needed?
Is this translation of POEM suitable for a different population? / Is the English version suitable for all English speaking countries?
© The University of Nottingham. The Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) scale is free to use for non-commercial use only. Commercial use incurs a per patient fee. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or redistribute this material in its entirety without modification. Any use which falls outside this remit requires the express consent of the copyright owner.

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk