Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics

Publications Related to the Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English


The following items have all been or are about to be published as part of the CANCODE project.

  1. Adolphs, S and Carter, R.A. (2003) ‘Corpus stylistics: point of view and semantic prosodies in To The Lighthouse ', Poetica, 58: 7-20.
  2. Carter, R.A. (1997) Investigating English Discourse: Language, Literacy and Literature, London: Routledge.
  3. Carter, R.A. (1997) ‘Grammar, the spoken language and ELT', in Hill, D.A. (ed) Milan 95: English Language Teaching, Rome: The British Council: 26-32.
  4. Carter, R.A. (1997) ‘Speaking Englishes, speaking cultures, using CANCODE', Prospect 12 (2): 4-11.
  5. Carter, R.A. (1998) `Orders of reality: CANCODE, communication and culture', ELT Journal 52, 1: 43-56.
  6. Carter, R.A. (1999) `Common language: corpus, creativity and cognition', Language and Literature 8, 3: 1-21.
  7. Carter, R.A. (1999) ‘Standard grammars, standard Englishes: some educational implications' in Bex, A.R. and Watts, R. (eds) Standard English: The Continuing Debate, London: Routledge.
  8. Carter, R.A. (2002) ‘Spoken English, grammar and the classroom' in Hughes, R. (ed) At Full Stretch : Spoken English and the National Curriculum, London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Published at
  9. Carter, R.A. (2002) ‘Recognising creativity', IH Journal of Language and Development, 13: 9:14.
  10. Carter, R.A. and Adolphs, S. (2003) `Creativity and a corpus of spoken English', in Goodman, S, Lillis, T, Maybin, J. and Mercer, N. (eds) Language, Literacy and Education: A Reader, Stoke-On Trent:Trentham Books: 247-262.
  11. Carter, R.A. (2004) Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk London: Routledge.
  12. Carter, R.A. and Adolphs, S. (forthcoming) ‘And she's like ‘it's terrible like': Spoken discourse, grammar and corpus analysis', International Journal of English Studies, 2003.
  13. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M..J. (1995) ‘Grammar and the spoken language', Applied Linguistics 16, 2: 141‑158.
  14. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (1995) ‘Discourse and creativity: bridging the gap between language and literature', in Cook, G. and Seidlhofer, B. (eds) Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 303‑321.
  15. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (1997) Exploring Spoken English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  16. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (1997) ‘Written and spoken vocabulary', in Schmitt, N. and McCarthy, M.J. (eds) Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition, Pedagogy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 20-39.
  17. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (1999) ‘The English get‑passive in spoken discourse: Description and implications for an interpersonal grammar', English Language and Linguistics, 3, 1: 41-58.
  18. Carter, R.A and McCarthy, M.J. (2001) `Size isn't everything: Spoken English, Corpus and the Classroom', in Research Issues, TESOL Quarterly (July,2001): 337-340.
  19. Carter, R. A. and McCarthy, M. J. (2001) ‘Designing the discourse syllabus', in D Hall, D. and Hewings A. (eds) Innovation in English Language Teaching, London: Routledge, 55-63.
  20. CARTER, R.A. and MCCARTHY, M., 2004. Talking, creating: Interactional language, creativity, and context Applied Linguistics. 25(1), 62-88.
  21. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (in press) ‘If you ever hear a native speaker, please let us know!' IATEFL Journal (2004).
  22. Carter, R.A. and McCarthy M.J. The Cambridge Advanced Learners' Grammar of the English Language (in prep) (CUP, 2005).
  23. Carter, R.A. Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M.J. (1998) ‘Telling tails: grammar, the spoken language and materials development', in Tomlinson, B. (ed) Materials Development in L2 Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 45-68.
  24. Carter, R.A. Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M.J. (2000) Exploring Grammar in Context Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  25. Hughes, R., Carter, R.A. and McCarthy, M.J. (1995) ‘Discourse context as a predictor of grammatical choice', in Graddol, D. and Thomas, S. (eds) Language in a Changing Europe. Clevedon: BAAL/Multilingual Matters: 47‑54.
  26. Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M.J. (1998) ‘From sentence to grammar: discourse grammar and English language teaching', TESOL Quarterly, 32, 2: 263-87.
  27. McCarthy, M.J. (1994) ‘What should we teach about the spoken language?' Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 2: 104-20.
  28. McCarthy, M.J. (1994) ‘Vocabulary and the spoken language', in Longo H.P. (ed) Atti del seminario internazionale di studi sul lessico, Bologna: Clueb: 119-30.
  29. McCarthy. M..J.(1995). ‘Conversation and literature: tense and aspect', in Payne, J. (ed) Linguistic Approaches to Literature. Birmingham/University of Birmingham: English Language Research: 58‑73.
  30. McCarthy, M.J. (1998) Spoken Language and Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  31. McCarthy, M.J.(1998) ‘Taming the spoken language: genre theory and pedagogy'. The Language Teacher, 22, 9, 21-23.
  32. McCarthy, M.J.(1998) ‘Talking their heads off: The everyday conversation of everyday people', SELL, 10:107-128.
  33. McCarthy, M.J. (1999) ‘What constitutes a basic vocabulary for spoken communication?' in SELL, 11: 233‑249.
  34. McCarthy, M.J (1999) ‘What is a basic spoken vocabulary?' in FELT Newsletter, 1999, 1, 4: 7‑9.
  35. McCarthy, M.J (1999) ‘Turning numbers into thoughts: Making sense of language corpora technology and observing language', The Language Teacher 23, 6: 25‑7.
  36. McCarthy, M.J (2000) ‘Captive audiences: The discourse of close contact service encounters' in Coupland J (ed) Small Talk, London: Pearson: 84-109.
  37. McCarthy, M. J. (2001) ‘Discourse' in Carter R. A and Nunan D. (eds.) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 48-55.
  38. McCarthy, MJ. (2001) Issues in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  39. McCarthy, M. J. (2002) ‘What is an advanced vocabulary?' SELL, 3: 149-163. Reprinted in Tan M (ed.) Corpus Studies in Language Education. Bangkok: IELE Press, 15-29.
  40. McCarthy, M. J. (2003) ‘Talking back: ‘small' interactional response tokens in everyday conversation' in Coupland, J. (ed) Special issue of Research on Language and Social Interaction on 'Small Talk', 36 (1): 33-63.
  41. McCarthy, M. J. (2002) ‘Good listenership made plain: British and American non-minimal response tokens in everyday conversation', in Biber, D. Fitzpatrick S. and Reppen R. (eds), Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 49-71.
  42. McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (1994) Language as Discourse: Perspectives for Language Teaching, Harlow: Longman.
  43. McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (1995) `Spoken grammar: what is it and how do we teach it?', ELT Journal 49, 3: 207‑218.
  44. McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (1997) `Grammar, tails and affect: constructing expressive choices in discourse', Text 17, 3: 231-252.
  45. McCarthy, M. J. and Carter, R. A. (2000) ‘Feeding back: non-minimal response tokens in everyday English conversation', in Heffer, C. and Sauntson, H. (eds) Words in Context: A Tribute to John Sinclair on his Retirement, Birmingham: ELR Discourse Monograph 18: 263-283.
  46. McCarthy, M. J. and Carter, R. A. (2001) ‘Ten criteria for a spoken grammar', in Hinkel E. and Fotos S. (eds) New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 51-75.
  47. McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) From conversation to corpus: a dual analysis of a broadcast political interview', in Sánchez-Macarro, A (ed.) Windows on the World: Media Discourse in English, Valencia: University of Valencia Press: 15-39.
  48. MCCARTHY, M. and CARTER, R.A., 2004. ‘There’s millions of them’: hyperbole in everyday conversation Journal of Pragmatics. 36(2), 149-184.
  49. CARTER, R.A & MCCARTHY, M., 2004. This, that and the other. Multi-word clusters in spoken English as visible patterns of interaction TEANGA. 21, 30-52.
  50. McCarthy, M.J. and O'Dell, F. (1999) English Vocabulary in Use. Elementary Level. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  51. McCarthy, M.J. and O'Dell, F. (2002) English Vocabulary in Use. Advanced Level. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  52. McCarthy, M.J. and O'Dell, F. (2002) English Idioms in Use. Upper Intermediate Level. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  53. McCarthy, M.J. and O'Dell, F. (in press) English Phrasal Verbs in Use. Intermediate Level. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  54. McCarthy, M. J. and O'Keeffe, A. (2003). ‘What's in a name?' - vocatives in casual conversations and radio phone-in calls', in Meyer, C. and Leistyna, P. (eds), Corpus Analysis: Language Structure and Language Use, Amsterdam: Rodopi: 153-185.
  55. McCarthy, M.J. Matthiessen, C. and Slade, D. (2001) ‘Discourse Analysis', in N Schmitt (ed) An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. London: Arnold: 55-73.
  56. McCarthy, M. J. and Slade, D. (forthcoming) ‘Extending our understanding of spoken discourse' in Cummins, J. and Davison, C. Kluwer Handbook on English Language Teaching, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  57. McCarthy, M. J. and C. Spőttl (in press) ‘Formulaic utterances in the multi-lingual context' in Cenoz, J, Jessner, U. & Hufeisen, B. (eds.) The Multilingual Lexicon. Dordrecht: Kluwer, (2004).
  58. McCarthy, M. J. and Tao, H. (2001) ‘Understanding non-restrictive which- clauses in spoken English, which is not an easy thing', Language Sciences 23: 651-677.
  59. McCarthy, M. J. and Walsh, S. (2003) ‘Discourse', in Nunan D (ed.) Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill: 173-195.
  60. Stanfield, C. (1996) `English as she is spoke' (conversation with CANCODE researcher Jean Hudson). Cambridge Language Reference News 2: 2.
  61. Adolphs, S. and Schmitt, N. (2004) 'Vocabulary coverage according to spoken discourse context'. In Bogaards, P. and Laufer, B. (eds) Vocabulary in a Second Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press.
  62. Adolphs, S. and Schmitt, N. (2003) 'Lexical Coverage of Spoken Discourse', Applied Linguistics, 24, 4: 425-438.
  63. Adolphs, S., Hamilton, C. and Nehrlich, B. (2003) 'The Meaning of Genetics', International Journal of English Studies: 57-76.


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