Criminal Justice Research Centre

Criminal Justice Research Centre

The Criminal Justice Research Centre (CJRC) is a joint initiative of the School of Law and the School of Sociology and Social Policy. As a home to recognised experts in the field, the CJRC produces world-leading research and scholarship in criminal and social justice, law, and criminology.

Image credit: Lady Justice at the Old Bailey by Ronnie McDonald via Flickr Creative Commons.

We aim to promote research, public engagement and practice informed teaching. Our members are involved in a range of research projects, with the CJRC providing a hub for inter-disciplinary research collaboration in the areas of criminal justice and criminology. Alongside collaboration arising from the CJRC’s roots within two schools at the University of Nottingham, the centre takes a collaborative approach to research through actively engaging with both funding calls and stakeholders.

Our research is at the forefront of the field, and has an impact on international criminal justice scholarship, practice and teaching, locally, nationally and internationally.

Robin Hood statue

Explore our research

stack of books


three students studying in a garden on campus


hands across a table

Advisory Board

satellite and sky


students in row in lecture




Criminal Justice Research Centre

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 6239