Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Saga Conference in Iceland

The CSVA was represented at the 17th International Saga Conference in Iceland this month by Dr Roderick Dale and Professor Judith Jesch, both of whom gave papers (on Death and the Berserkr: The social role of legal duels in the Íslendingasögur and ‘En kaart sandferdig historie, om fire oc trediue Jerler oc høffdinger’ – more on the history and development of Orkneyinga saga). It was also a real pleasure to catch up with former students Dale Kedwards, John Quanrud and Teva Vidal, and Honorary Professor Lesley Abrams, at the conference.
Posted on Thursday 23rd August 2018

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

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email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk