Mixed Reality Laboratory

Image of Glenn McGarry

Glenn McGarry

Research Fellow, Faculty of Science



Dr Glenn McGarry is a Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science's Mixed Reality Lab, working in the interdisciplinary field of Human-Computer Interaction. His research interests centre on music technologies and his work in this area has been published in a leading international design conference CSCW. He is the Faculty of science representative for the University's Staff Research Group Subcommittee which works to support and communicate career development opportunities for research staff. He is experienced in conducting fieldwork and analyzing the data gathered using an ethnomethodological approach, as well as other qualitative methods appropriate to addressing the research questions at hand. He is also experienced in working with systems designers, which involves presenting field study findings, working through their implications for design, and formulating design specifications.

ORCID Profile: orcid.org/0000-0001-9518-3126

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-glenn-mcgarry

Research Summary

Hybrid Relics - This thought-provoking research project explores experimental approaches to the design of hybrid products that co-exist in physical and digital domains. The project is based on… read more

Current Research

Hybrid Relics - This thought-provoking research project explores experimental approaches to the design of hybrid products that co-exist in physical and digital domains. The project is based on Glenn's earlier work that examined the role of technologies in the guitar relic'ing community, envisioning how hybrid-relic guitars could could serve to provoke a response that would enable consideration towards the design of hybrid products and services. This work led to discussions with other disciplines in music, history, the digital humanities and robotics about the concept of the 'relic'. This project will now bring these disciplines together to understand the different ways in which HCI, technology and the arts/humanities can work together to inform new approaches to design.


ORBIT - Online Remote Behavioural intervention for Tics. This new NIHR-funded study brings together teams from the NIHR's MindTech HealthTech Research Centre, the University of Nottingham, Great Ormond Street Hospital, East Midlands Health Innovation Network, commercial partner Blüm Health Ltd, and patient organisations Tourette Action and Neuro-diverse.org, to take previously researched and evidence-based online behavioural therapy intervention for tics in young people (known as ORBIT - Online Remote Behavioural Treatment for Tics study) and turn it into a patient-ready digital tool deliverable at scale within the NHS.

Glenn's role as a Research Associate on this project is to support the elicitation of user and system requirements to inform the development of the ORBIT platform.

Past Research

Glenn's PhD field studies were drawn upon in the UK EPSRC interdisciplinary research programme (FAST EP/L019981/1), to inform the design of novel music production tools through a series of workshops that brought together academic colleagues and external partners in audio engineering, digital signal processing and systems design - see www.semanticaudio.ac.uk/blog/ethnographic-studies-of-studio-based-music-production/ . This research has been published in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), a leading interdisciplinary design conference in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and I have presented posters at national and international conferences.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk