Nottingham International Law and Security Centre

Non-UN Sanctions and International Law symposium

symposium 1

On the 10 November 2017 the second part of a symposium on 'Non-UN Sanctions and International Law' was held at the Nottingham International Law and Security Centre (NILSC) based in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham. This was the second part of a European Society of International Law (ESIL) symposium co-organised with the Institute of International Relations (IIR) in Prague, Czech Republic.

The idea behind the symposium was to consider various aspects of sanctions adopted outside the UN context - by individual States, groups of States, regional organisations or other actors, in response to threats to security or violations of international law. While the Prague event focused on the legality and legitimacy of Non-UN Sanctions, the Nottingham part concentrated on the legitimacy, effectiveness and impact of Non-UN Sanctions.

This first part of the symposium in Prague on 5 May 2017 saw 12 papers being presented and discussed by experts in the very productive environment of the Cernin Palace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague. The second part in Highfield House on University Park, University of Nottingham, saw a further 10 papers being presented to an audience of invited experts. Again the level of presentations, debate and discussion was extremely high. Download the programme (PDF).

The organisers from NILSC - Mary E. Footer and Nigel D. White - and IIR, Prague - Veronika Bilkova - will be considering the papers presented with a view to publishing some in an edited collection arising out of the symposium. It is hoped that the research network established by this symposium will consider the legality and impact of Non-UN Sanctions on an ongoing basis.

symposium 2  symposium 3

Posted on Friday 17th November 2017

Nottingham International Law and Security Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5732/5694