Tobacco and Alcohol Research

Summarising the effects of smoking on respiratory health


It is well known that smoking causes lung cancer, but the harms of smoking on other respiratory outcomes in adults and children is less well understood.

Our study - SmokeHaz: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses of the Effects of Smoking on Respiratory Health - collated all of the worldwide research investigating these risks. We found smoking increased the risk of asthma, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sleep apnea in adults; and secondhand smoke increased the risks of asthma, wheeze, and lower respiratory infections in children. These findings have been translated into easily understood content and published on the website to enable them to be accessible and usable by the public and policymakers.

Read the Open Access article in detail. 

Posted on Monday 11th July 2016

Tobacco and Alcohol research

The University of Nottingham

email:Chris Hill