Faculty of Science

Centre for the Mathematics and Theoretical Physics of Quantum Non-Equilibrium Systems (CQNE)

The CQNE at The University of Nottingham is a focal point for fundamental and theoretical research in the dynamics and control of complex quantum systems.

The aim of the Centre is to provide a framework for common activities such as seminars, workshops, international conferences, and specialised postgraduate training.

The Centre is open to academic members of the University conducting research in related areas.


The Centre is a joint effort between the Schools of Physics & Astronomy and Mathematical Sciences that combines our expertise in the theoretical physics and mathematics of far-from-equilibrium quantum systems, with applications in quantum information, quantum metrology, condensed matter and hybrid systems.

People: For a full list of current academic staff, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students see here.


PhD opportunities

We regularly offer PhD projects jointly supervised by members of the Centre.  For enquires please email us


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See a full list of Centre events.

Recent Centre publications

K. Macieszczak, D.C. Rose, I. Lesanovsky and J.P. Garrahan
Theory of classical metastability in open quantum systems
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033047 (2021)

Elina Potanina, Christian Flindt, Michael Moskalets, Kay Brandner
Thermodynamic bounds on coherent transport in periodically driven conductors
Phys. Rev. X 11, 021013 (2021)

LJ Fiderer, T Tufarelli, S Piano, G Adesso
General expressions for the quantum Fisher information matrix with applications to discrete quantum imaging
Phys. Rev. X Quantum 2, 020308 (2021)

See a full list of recent Centre publications.

Faculty of Science

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD