
Welcome from the Head of School, Professor Rachel Fyson

Welcome to the School of Sociology and Social Policy – I am delighted that success in your previous studies now means that you can join us for the next stage in your academic journey.

Your social science degree programme, with its diverse range of both taught modules and learning opportunities beyond the classroom, will challenge, stimulate and inspire you during your time with us. Our programmes are designed to not only give you a set of skills and knowledge which will be highly attractive to future employers, but also to help you develop your own vision of the world – both as it is and how it might be.

Covid-19 threw up many challenges, not only for education but also for wider society. In many ways it has shown us both the best and the worst of humanity. As the pandemic has receded, social sciences have had an important role to play in making sure that the world does not simply return to 'business as usual', and that instead we use this as an opportunity to make positive social changes. As a social science student, you will contribute to those future social changes – so I hope that studying here will help you to become part of the change you want to see. These are unprecedented but also exciting times for studying social science.

I hope that you enjoy your time with us: that you meet new people, embrace opportunities for new and different experiences, and discover fresh understandings of the world we share.

Contact us

If you have any queries, please contact the school:


Recording your name can help people pronounce it the way it should be said. You'll find that a number of the staff have done this through NameDrop and added it to the end of their signature in emails. It can be used anywhere you share your contact details. Students are encouraged to include their NameDrop link in their emails.

Look out for any emails from the email address lz-ssp@nottingham.ac.uk. These emails are from the school office and contain important school information.


Faculty of Social Sciences

Sociology and Social Policy

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query