External sources of funding

We welcome students funded by a variety of sponsors and funding schemes. Here you can find out about some of the sources of funding you could apply for.

As well as the information on our website, there are a variety of online scholarship search tools to help you find funding opportunities, including:

When looking for scholarships online, always try to find out about the organisations offering them if you're not familiar with them.

Avoid websites or scholarship providers with a bad reputation, unreasonable terms or suspicious instructions such as asking you for payments or bank details.

International scholarship providers

We've noted scholarship and funding providers for individual countries in our country-specific information webpages.

The scholarships and funding sources listed below are available to students across many countries.

All Saints Educational Trust Postgraduate teacher training scholarships for religious education, home economics or educational development purposes
British Council British Council scholarships or scholarship guidance available for various countries
Chevening Scholarships Masters scholarships for students from many countries with work experience
Commonwealth Scholarships Masters and PhD scholarships for students from Commonwealth countries
Finduddannelse.dk Sustainability Scholarship Masters scholarship for sustainabilty, available to students from any country
Funds for Women Graduates Postgraduate grants for female students
Postgrad Solutions Postgraduate bursaries for students from any country
Roberto Rocca Fellowships Engineering PhD fellowships for students from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Romania, Saudi Arabia and Uruguay
Saïd Foundation Masters scholarship for students from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria

International Student Recruitment

C Floor, YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK

+44 (0) 115 951 5247
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