
Better sample page for LIFT: forms.

Using forms for enquiries / feedback.

Here is a standard form amended for better accessibility:

Your request

Please send me:

About You

(we will use this address to confirm receipt of your request)


Your age:

I have added a label tag around the text associated with each form element and used the id attribute to make an explicit connection between the two. The "Fix Wizard" make this quicker to do.

I have also added <fieldset> tags around the sections of the form (Your request and About You) with <legend> tags around those section titles. This is a priority 3 issues - hence it wouldn't have appeared on LIFT's results. I have also specified a tab order for each element to ensure easy movement within the form.

Finally, I have added some default text where possible (again this is a Priority 3 issue) to assist older browsers.

Bad version
Better Site home page.