

Breakfast 8.00-8.45am - Sherwood Hall

Breakfast is available in Lenton and Wortley , between 8.00 and 9.00am.


Roll Call - 9.00-9.15am - A3 Coates Building

We'll meet in A3 in the Coates Building every morning and afternoon before the groups break off to go to each event. If you are not at the roll call, a member of the team will be dispatched to find you. This could be embarrassing but it is also imperative that we know where you are, so please make sure you are in A3 on time!


Session One - 9.15am-12.30pm

There are 4 engineering bases which you will work through in your groups. Please wait in L3 until you are collected by the relevant event organiser.  You should then return to A3 Coates around 12.30pm. There should be time for a break in the middle of the session for coffee/tea/etc. This will be available in A3/A1. If you are in the Science Park for Session One, do not return to Coates Building for coffee/tea. This will be available in situ.


Buffet Lunch 12.30-2.00pm - A3 Coates Building

There will be a buffet lunch in A3/A1 alongside displays from:


The Engineering Faculty
The Students Union


Please make the most of the representatives from each organisation. Finding out about  Bursaries, Sponsorships, entrance grades and student life in general will be useful in the coming year when making decisions about courses.

The lunchtime session is quite long to it also gives you time to wander round campus or pay a visit to the computer facilities.


Roll Call 2.00-2.15pm - A3 Coates Building

A quick meeting to sort out the afternoon session and a chance to air any queries or problems from the morning session.


Session Two 2.15-5.00pm

As with Session One. A finish time around 5.00pm is a little bit flexible. Return to A3/A1 for coffee/tea  breaks as required.


Banquet 6.00pm - Sherwood Hall

Dress as smart as you are able. There might be speeches, and then again there might not.



We'll negotiate