

Breakfast 7.30-8.45am - Sherwood Hall

Breakfast is available in Lenton Hall, between 8.00 and 9.00am.


Roll Call - 9.00-9.15am - A3 Coates Building

We'll meet as usual.


Session One - 9.15am-12.30pm

Please wait in L3 until you are collected by the relevant event organiser.  You should then return to A3 Coates around 12.30pm. There should be time for a break in the middle of the session for coffee/tea/etc. This will be available in A3/A1. If you are in the Science Park for Session One, do not return to Coates Building for coffee/tea. This will be available in situ.


Buffet Lunch 12.30-2.00pm A3 Coates Building

There will be a buffet lunch in A3/A1.

After the tour you should have some remaining time to wander round campus or pay a visit to the computer facilities.


Roll Call 2.00-2.15pm A3 Coates Building

A quick meeting to sort out the afternoon session and a chance to air any queries or problems from the morning session. Please wait in A3/A1 for the event organizer to pick you up.


Session Two 2.15-5.00pm

As with Session One. A finish time around 5.00pm is a little bit flexible. Return to A3/A1 for coffee/tea  breaks as required.


Evening Meal 6.00-7.00pm - Sherwood Hall

Evening meals are all at Sherwood Hall. Please let the Course director know if you have any special dietary requirements.


Soccey - 8.00-9.30pm  - Sports Hall

Meet outside the Sports Hall at 7.45pm. Bring trainers and stuff that you can round around in. You can either get changed beforehand or at the Sports Hall.