These SIRDS were created with SIRDSANI and xpgs. They may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes.
Thumbnail The star ship Enterprise (42917)

Thumbnail Escher Knot (43104)

Thumbnail Escher Knot (43074)

Thumbnail Another Escher Knot (49068)

Thumbnail A face (43302)

Thumbnail A glass (49045)

Thumbnail Xwing fighter of star wars fame (42882)

Thumbnail Cone - This is a crosseyed SIRDS (43429)

Thumbnail Triceratops (42986)

Thumbnail Triceratops - first colour SIS produced by xpgs (244633)

Thumbnail Head - first colour SIS produced by SIRDSANI (169882)

Thumbnail Planes - Colour SIS produced by SIRDSANI (221833)

Some SISes produced with the latest version of xpgs

Thumbnail Teapot - grey-scale SIS (105933)

Thumbnail Shuttle - colour SIRDS (240386)

Thumbnail Geometric solids - grey-scale SIRDS (303901)

Thumbnail Dinosaurs - b&w SIRDS with some smoothing (53760)

Some SISes produced for the article, again done with xpgs

Thumbnail De Milo? - grey-scale SIS (362238)

Thumbnail Space - colour SIS (52207)

Thumbnail Mandel Sinc - grey-scale SIS (324663)

Thumbnail Solar System - colour SIS (118515)

Comments are welcome on the (lack of, maybe) quality of these stereograms.

Gallery with answers.

Contributed stereograms

From Ulrich Gall:

Thumbnail Sisbench - photograph-like stereogram (86597)

Thumbnail Fencek - similar type of stereogram (45630)

These stereograms will be published in Germany only in a book along with 35 similar images.

Ulrich is STILL looking for publishers outside of Germany. If you can help, contact him at uhgall at

From Graham Davis:

Thumbnail Wasp - colour SIRDS (337492).

Here's what Graham says about it: I thought you might like to add the attached stereogram to your gallery. It has been generated here at the London Hospital Medical College using a microtomography (microscopic CT) scanner which was designed and built here. The image was generated from 400 CT slices of a real wasp. Unfortunately it got it's legs in a bit of a tangle. The stereogram was generated using "crumbler" (on 30 day trial). [For further details contact him at: Dr Graham Davis, Department of Child Dental Health, The London Hospital Medical College, Turner Street, London E1 2AD or G.Davis at]

More stereograms.

Go back to SIRDS page

Peter Chang: peter.chang at

Gareth Richards: garethrichards at