SIRDS Information

How do they work?

When viewing a SIRDS correctly, each side of the brain sees a slightly different pattern. The small shifts in the pattern that makes up a SIRDS image are interpreted by the brain as different heights. The mechanism in the brain that allows us to see SIRDSs also allows us to judge the distance of objects close to us accurately.

Read all about it!

I have written a short article of stereograms called "Stereography and Autostereograms".

Also Eric Haines has contributed a couple of his articles from Ray Tracing News.

For more background information, read the SIRDS FAQ - unfortunately this link no longer works. See the local copy stored here. The old, old FAQ is still around.

A version of my article will be published in "Stereogram Programming Techniques" by Algorithm, Inc.. For further information, see their web pages.

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Peter Chang: peter.chang at