Vitae |
Personal data Born 1965 in Nenzing (Vorarlberg), Austria Austrian and British citizen Education Economics
and Philosophy at the University of
Graduation in Economics 1990. Post-graduate
education at the Institute
for Advanced
Studies, Doctoral
Studies in Economics at the University of
Graduation 1994. Academic Positions 10/92 – 06/94: Teaching fellow, University of
04/94 – 10/94: Visiting Lecturer, University of Linz. 11/94 –
09/00: Lecturer, University of Zurich. 10/00 –
01/05: Professor of Economics, Chair of Applied
Microeconomics, University of St. Gallen. 02/05 –
Professor of the Psychology of Economic Decision
Making, School of
Economics, University
of Nottingham, UK, (CeDEx). Affiliations IZA -
Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn Awards National
Latsis Prize 2004 (awarded
by the Swiss
National Science Foundation on behalf of the Latsis
Hermann Heinrich Gossen
2005 (awarded by the "Verein für Socialpolitik",
the association of economists from Austria, Germany and
Switzerland) Professional Services Member of Editorial Boards: Experimental Economics; Journal of the Economic Science Association; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Member of the Scientific Adivsory Board of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics |
full CV
as a file. |
See also my pages on Ideas/Repec, Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearcherID and ORCID. 1. Discussion papers
Revealing the Economic Consequences of Group Cohesion, CeDex Discussion Paper No. 2017-09 May 2017 (with Chris Starmer and Fabio Tufano). The Roles of Incentives and Voluntary Cooperation for Contractual Compliance CeDEx Discussion Paper No. 2011-06, June 2011 (with Esther Kessler and Manfred Königstein). Exploring the Nature of Loss Aversion. CeDEx Discussion Paper No. 2006-02 February 2006 (with Eric J. Johnson and Andreas Herrmann). |
"People prefer coordinated punishment in cooperative interactions", Nature Human Behaviour September 2019 (with Lucas Molleman, Felix Koelle and Chris Starmer). [Supplementary Information] [Data & analysis files] 3.
Journal articles (selection) "Leaders as role models and 'belief managers' in social dilemmas", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 154, October 2018, 321-334 (with Elke Renner). [Instructions] [Data & analysis files] "Societal background influences social learning in cooperative decision making", Evolution and Human Behavior 39(5), September 2018, 547-555 (with Lucas Molleman), [Supplementary Materials], [Data and analysis files] "Disappointment Aversion and Social Comparisons in a Real-Effort Competition, Economic Inquiry 56(3), July 2018, 1512-1525 (with Lingbo Huang and Martin Sefton). [Supplementary Materials] "Dispositional free rider do not free ride on punishment", Nature Communications 9, 19 June 2018, Article number: 2390 (with Till Weber and Ori Weisel). [Online Supplementary Materials] [Data & Analysis Files] "Conducting interactive experiments online", Experimental Economics 21(1), March 2018, 99-131 (with Antonio A. Arechar and Lucas Molleman) [Supplementary Materials 1 Instructions and additional figures] [Supplementary Materials 2 Experimental Data and analysis files] "Reciprocity and the tragedies of maintaining and providing the commons", Nature Human Behaviour 1(9), September 2017, 650-656 (with Felix Koelle and Simone Quercia). [Supplementary Materials] [Data and Analysis Files] [News & Views by Herbert Gintis] [Editorial] "Conditional Cooperation and betrayal aversion", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 141, September 2017, 110-121 (with Robin Cubitt and Simone Quercia). [Supplementary Materials, Data & Analysis Files] "The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing" European Economic Review 97, August 2017, 72-86 (with Leonie Gerhards and Daniele Nosenzo) [Data & Analysis files] [zTree files] [Instructions & Further Analyses] "Growth and inequality in public good provision", Journal of Public Economics 150, June 2017, 1-13 (with Friederike Mengel, Elias Tsakas and Alexander Vostroknutov). [Supplementary Materials 1: Screen shots, instructions, and additional analysis] [Supplementary Materials 2: Data, analysis files, ztree codes] "Combining "Real Effort" with Induced Effort Costs: The Ball-Catching Task", Experimental Economics 19(4), December 2016, 687-712 (with Lingbo Huang and Martin Sefton) [Demo Video] [zTree files] [Supplementary Materials] [Data]. "Religion, Discrimination and Trust across Three Cultures, European Economic Review 90, November 2016, 280-301 (with Swee-Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann and Jonathan Tan). [Instructions] [Data, Analysis Files] "Eye Movements in Strategic Choice", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29(2-3), April 2016, 137-156 (with Neil Stewart, Takao Noguchi and Timothy L. Mullett). [Data] "Intrinsic Honesty and the Prevalence of Rule Violations across Societies", Nature 531, 24 March 2016, 496-499 (with Jonathan Schulz) [Supplementary Information] [Data] [News & Views Commentary by Shaul Shalvi]. [pdf] "Stated and Revealed Preferences of Inequality Aversion in Three Subject Pools", Journal of the Economic Science Association 1(1), July 2015, 43-58 (with Benjamin Beranek and Robin Cubitt). [pdf] "Measuring the Closeness of Relationships: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the 'Inclusion of the Other in the Self' Scale". PLoS ONE 10(6), June 2015, e0129478 (with Chris Starmer and Fabio Tufano) [Supporting Information including Data] "Peer Effects and Social Preferences in Voluntary Cooperation: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis", Journal of Economic Psychology 48, June 2015, 72-88 (with Christian Thöni) [Data] [Supplementary materials including instructions] "Peer Effects in Pro-Social Behavior: Social Norms or Social Preferences?" Journal of the European Economic Association 11(3), June 2013, 548-573 (with Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton) [pdf] "Living in Two Neighborhoods- Social Interactions in the Lab". Economic Inquiry, "The Impact of Social Comparisons on Reciprocity". Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114(4), December 2012, 1346-1367 (with Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton). (pdf) "Who Makes a Good Leader? Cooperativeness, Optimism, and Leading-by-Example". Economic Inquiry 50(4), October 2012, 867-879 (with Daniele Nosenzo, Elke Renner, and Martin Sefton). (pdf) "On the Behavioral Validity of the Strategy Method in Public Good Experiments." Journal of Economic Psychology 33(4), August 2012, 897–913 (with Urs Fischbacher and Simone Quercia). (pdf) "The Framing of Games and the Psychology of Play". Games and Economic Behavior 73(2), November 2011, 459-478 (with Martin Dufwenberg and Heike Hennig-Schmidt). (pdf) "Framing and Free Riding: Emotional Responses and Punishment in Social Dilemma Games". Experimental Economics 14(2), May 2011, 254-272 (with Robin Cubitt and Michalis Drouvelis). (pdf) "Moral Judgments in Social Dilemmas: How Bad is Free Riding?" Journal of Public Economics, 95(3-4), April 2011, 253-264 "The limits of self-governance when cooperators get punished: Experimental evidence from urban and rural Russia". European Economic Review 55(2), February 2011, 193-210 (with Benedikt Herrmann) (pdf). "Micromotives, microstructure and macrobehavior: The case of voluntary cooperation." Journal of Mathematical Sociology 35(1), February 2011, 26-65 (with Christian Thöni). (pdf) "Social Comparison and Performance: Experimental Evidence on the Fair-Wage Effort Hypothesis." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 76(3), December 2010, 531-543 "Culture and Cooperation". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 365(1553), September 2010, 2651-2661
(with Benedikt Herrmann and Christian Thöni) (pdf). "The effects of (incentivized) belief elicitation in public good experiments." Experimental Economics 13(3), September 2010, 364-377 (with Elke Renner) (pdf). "Private-collective innovation and the fragility of knowledge sharing". Research Policy 39(7), September 2010, 893-906 (with Georg von Krogh and Stefan Haefliger). (pdf) "Sequential versus Simultaneous Contributions to Public Goods: Experimental Evidence". Journal of Public Economics 94(7-8), August 2010, 515-522 (with Daniele Nosenzo, Elke Renner and Martin Sefton). (pdf) "Social Preferences, Beliefs, and the Dynamics of Free Riding in Public Good Experiments" American Economic Review 100(1), March 2010, 541-556 (with Urs Fischbacher). (pdf) "The Science of Experimental Economics". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73(1), January 2010, 122-131 (with Rachel Croson). (pdf) "Are Experimental Economists Prone to Framing Effects? A Natural Field Experiment." in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 70(3), June 2009, 443-446 (with Henrik Orzen, Elke Renner and Chris Starmer).(pdf) "Design a Contract! A Simple
Principal-Agent Problem as a Classroom Experiment." Journal of
Economic Education 40(2), Spring 2009, 173-187. "Reciprocity, culture, and human
cooperation: Previous insights and a new cross-cultural experiment."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
364, March 2009, 791-806 (with Benedikt Herrmann). (pdf)
materials) "The Long-Run Benefits of Punishment" Science 322, 5 December 2008, 1510 (with Elke Renner and Martin Sefton). (paper) (supplementary information) "Antisocial Punishment Across Societies" Science 319, 7 March 2008, 1362-1367 (with Benedikt Herrmann and Christian Thöni). (Data) "Dividing Justly in Bargaining
Problems with Claims: Normative Judgments and Actual Negtiations", Social
Choice and Welfare 27, December 2006, 571-594 (with Arno Riedl). (pdf). "Cournot Competition and Hit and Run Entry and Exit in a Teaching Experiment", Journal of Economic Education 37(4), 2006, 418-30 (with Christian Thöni and Jean-Robert Tyran). (Working Paper) (z-Tree based program cournot_and_entry.ztt)
Property Rights in
Bargaining with Infeasible Claims", Management Science, 51(2),
2005, 249-263 (with Arno Riedl).(pdf)
Paper, Instructions). "Strong
Reciprocity, human
cooperation, and the enforcement of social norms." Human
13(1), 2002, 1-25 (with Ernst Fehr and Urs Fischbacher). "Efficient
Contracting and
Fair Play in a Simple Principal-Agent Experiment." Experimental
Economics 5(1), June 2002, 5-27 (with Vital Anderhub and
Königstein). "Reputation
and Reciprocity:
Consequences for the Labour Relation." Scandinavian
of Economics 104(1), 2002, 1-27 (with Armin Falk). "Are People
Cooperative? Evidence from a Public Goods Experiment." Economics
Letters 71(3), June 2001, 397-404 (with Urs Fischbacher
and Ernst
Fehr). "Fairness
and Retaliation:
The Economics of Reciprocity", Journal of Economic
14(3), Summer 2000, 159-181 (with Ernst Fehr). "Cooperation
and Punishment
in Public Goods Experiments", American Economic Review
90(4), September 2000, 980-994 (with Ernst Fehr). "A simple
mechanism for the
efficient provision of public goods - Experimental
American Economic Review 90(1), March 2000, 247-264
(with Josef
Falkinger, Ernst Fehr, and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer). (pdf) "Collective
Action as a Social
Exchange", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
39, 1999, 341-369 (with Ernst Fehr). "Intrinsic
Motivation and
Extrinsic Incentives in a Repeated Game with Incomplete
Journal of Economic Psychology 20, 1999, 251-284
(with Armin
Falk and Judit Kovács). "Reciprocity
and Economics.
The Economic Implications of Homo Reciprocans", European
Review 42, 1998, 845-859 (with Ernst Fehr). "When
Social Norms Overpower
Competition - Gift Exchange in Experimental Labor Markets", Journal
of Labor Economics 16, 1998, 324-351 (with Ernst Fehr,
Erich Kirchler,
and Andreas Weichbold). "Reciprocity
as a Contract
Enforcement Device - Experimental Evidence", Econometrica
64, 1997, 833-860 (with Ernst Fehr and Georg Kirchsteiger).
4. Replies, Comments, and Perspectives "Occasional errors can benefit coordination", Nature 545, 18 May 2017, 297-298. "Lessons from Brexit: Study how groups collaborate" , Nature 535, 28 July 2016, 480. "Visible inequality breeds more inequality" Nature 526, 15 October 2015, 333-334. "A cooperative instinct" Nature 489, 20 September 2012, 374-375. (pdf) "The Carrot or Stick? Nature 483, 1 March 2012, 39-40. (pdf) "In the lab and the field: punishment is rare in equilibrium". Comment on Francesco Guala: Reciprocity: Weak or Strong? What Punishment Experiments Do (and Do Not) Demonstrate Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35(1), 2012, 26-28. "(Dis)advantages of student subjects: What is your research question?" Comment on Henrich et al. The Weirdest People in the World?, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33(2-3), June 2010, 92-93 (pdf). “Cross-cultural differences in norm enforcement”, Comment on Joseph Henrich et al., "'Economic man' in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies", in: Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(6), 2005, 822-823 (with Benedikt Herrmann and Christian Thöni). “Egalitarian motive and altruistic punishment” – Reply to James H. Fowler, Tim Johnson, Oleg Smirnov, Nature, 6 January 2005; doi:10.1038/nature0325 (with Ernst Fehr).
"Human Pro-Social Motivation and the Maintenance of Social Order", in Eyal Zamir & Doron Teichman, Handbook on Behavioural Economics and the Law , pp 28-60. Oxford University Press 2014 "Rationality, Social Preferences, and Strategic Decision-making from a Behavioral Economics Perspective", in Rafael Wittek, Tom AB Snijders, and Victor Nee (eds): The Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research, pp 33-71. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2013 "Experimental Labor Economics", in Steven Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds): New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008. (pdf) “Wage Differentials in Experimental
Efficiency Wage Markets”, Chap. 15
in: Charles Plott and
Vernon Smith (eds.): Handbook
of Experimental Economic Results, pp. 120-126. "Altruistic Punishment", in: Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, pp. 30-31. New York: SAGE 2007. “Behavioural Economics”, in: Jens Beckert and Milan
Zafirovski (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, pp.
25-28. “Behavioral Game Theory”,
in: Derek J. Koehler and Nigel Harvey (eds): Blackwell
Handbook of Judgment and Decision
Making, pp. 485-503. |
to books and edited volumes "Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Cognition", in: Peter Hammerstein and Jeffrey R. Stevens (eds): Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Making. Strungmann Forum Reports, The MIT Press 2012. "Rationality and Commitment in Voluntary Cooperation: Insights from Experimental Economics", in: Fabienne Peter and Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds): Rationality and Commitment. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. (pdf) "Conditional Cooperation. Behavioral Regularities from the Lab and the Field and their Policy Implications", in Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer (eds): Economics and Psychology. A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field. CESifo Seminar Series. The MIT Press July 2007. The working paper version is available here. "Human Cooperation from an Economic Perspective", in Peter M. Kappeler and Carel P. van Schaik (eds): Cooperation in Primates and Humans. Mechanisms and Evolution. Heidelberg: Springer 2005 (with Benedikt Herrmann). (pdf) "Fairness
in the Labour Market
- A Survey of Experimental Results", in: Friedel Bolle and
Lehmann-Waffenschmidt (eds): Surveys in Experimental
Bargaining, Cooperation and Election Markets.
Physica-Verlag 2002
(with Ernst Fehr). (iewwp114.pdf) "Work
motivation, institutions,
and performance", in: Amnon Rapoport and Rami Zwick (eds): Experimental
Business Economics. "Fairness
and Retaliation",
in: L.-A. Gérard-Varet, S.-C. Kolm and J. Mercier Ythier,
The Economics of Reciprocity, Giving and Altruism. "Why firms
refuse to hire
underbidders", in: Peter de Gijsel, Ralph Olthoff, Thomas
(eds.): The unemployment debate: current issues. "How
Effective are Trust-
and Reciprocity-Based Incentives?" in: Avner Ben-Ner and
Putterman (eds.): Economics, Values, and Organization.
Gary S., and Murphy,
K.M.: Social Economics - Market Behavior in a Social
Harvard University Press 2001"; in: Journal of Economics
für Nationalökonomie) Vol. 77, 2002, 300-304. "Truman
Bewley: Why Wages
Don't Fall During a Recession. "James
Meade: Full Employment
Regained? An Agathotopian Dream. "Pierre
Picard: Wages and
Unemployment: A study in non-Walrasian Macroeconomics.
Cambridge University
Press 1993"; in: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für
Nationalökonomie) Vol. 58, 1993, 320-324. |
I teach modules on Current Economic Issues (Year 1), Experimental and Behavioural Economics (Year 2),and Applied Behavioural Economics (Masters) |
BBC Frontiers programme on "Human Cooperation" Interview with "Der Spiegel" (in German) Sydney Ideas Lectures on "Understanding Cooperation in Humans". Diffusion Science Radio (Australia) programme on "A Social Experiment". Zoological Society of London: "Why be Nice?" BBC Analysis programme on "Non-Riotous Behaviour". NZEEL Distingushed Lecture, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, on "What If we could predict human behaviour in labour markets?" The paper "Intrinsic Honesty and the Prevalence of Rule Violations across Societies" (Nature 2016) was discussed, among others, in The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic (USA); Corriere de la Sera (Italy); Der Spiegel, Die Welt (Germany); La Vanguardia (Spain), and ORF (Austria). Die Käsknöpfle-Connection: Vorarlberg Online; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung |
Web site
maintained by Simon Gaechter |
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