



I am a Lecturer in Economics and member of the Center for Decision Research and Experimental Economics (CeDEx) and the Center for Policy Evaluation (CPE) at the University of Nottingham. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics in 2006. My research and teaching focuses on Political Economy, Voting Games, and applications to economic policy problems. My current work is on:

  • Redistributive Politics (Taxation and redistribution, labor-market regulation);
  • Constitutional Political Economy;
  • Solution concepts for voting games.

My work has been published in academic journals such as the Economic Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, and Social Choice and Welfare.



 the role of the formation of political coalitions in the determination of economic policies and group conflict, the interpretation of stable sets in voting games, and political-economy models with multi-dimensional policy spaces.

© 2009