


  • "Earmarked Taxation and Political Competition" (2006) Journal of Public Economics 90: 679-701, click here
  • " Committees with Farsighted Voters: A New Interpretation of Stable Sets" (2006) Social Choice and Welfare 27: 595-610, click here
  • "Incentives and Prosocial Behavior in Democratic Societies" (2008) Journal of Economic Psychology 29: 777-868, click here
  • "Moral Hazard and Free Riding in Collective Action" (2009) Social Choice and Welfare 32: 197-219, click here
  • "Party Formation and Minority Ideological Positions" (with Philippe De Donder), forthcoming, Economic Journal, (working paper version here)


 Working papers


  • "Noncooperative Foundations of Stable Sets in Voting Games", Rochester Center for Economic Research, Working Paper no. 551, click here
  • "Secondary Issues and Party Politics. An Application to Environmental Policy" (with Philippe De Donder), click here
  • "A Positive Theory of Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection" (with Philippe De Donder), CEPR Discussion Paper no. 7333, click here
  • "Redistribution in the Open Economy: A Political Economy Approach " (with Udo Kreickemeier), Available soon

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