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Tanzania Education Project: third onsite bulletin from Meserani Snake Park, Tanzania 29/08/05

Whilst all of our volunteers enjoy a well-earned weeks' break on the white sands of Zanzibar, work is still progressing on the education centre...

Roofs are going up left right and centre with structures on the three main buildings as well as one of the toilet blocks complete and the roof on the other toilet block going up today, the plumbers (pronounced "plum-bers" in Tanzania) are in doing their work as are the electricians. Things are going at a great pace.

We are now moving on to the finer detail, such as adding in the bridges between the buildings, designing and building the front desk, making the benches for the outdoor lecture area and doing the same for the interior furniture - tables, chairs, shelving etc...

Lesson plans are being made and photos are being taken of the local community to adorn the interior walls of the buildings and ensure that it is a centre which is owned by the community. Logos are being designed and there is much deliberation over colour schemes.

In addition the clinic is now finished and ready for the furnishings and resourcing. So much progress has been made in such a short space of time.

We now have 2 weeks before we are hoping to be operational - still aiming for September 13th, although the official opening will be delayed a month or so to allow for all the finishing touches, teething problems and to make the centre look as perfect as it can be.

We have finally received word that the container of books has passed through customs in Dar es Salaam and is on its way up to Singida as we speak. It will arrive there on Friday 2nd September and the books will be distributed in a new streamlined 6-day plan. That promises to be an exciting few days.