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Edward Lear Virtual Tour
June - October 2009

Lear virtual tour

Gary Priestnall
Jeff Cowton, Curator, Wordsworth Trust

Project Overview

The aim of this collaboration was to create a Google Earth Virtual tour to place a series of landscape drawings into their spatial context. The tour was designed to complement an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Edward Lear which ran from July to October 2009 at the Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria, UK. Seven paintings were chosen to represent the geographical extent of Lear's tour and the different styles of drawing involved in the exhibtion.

Virtual billboards for each drawing were created in SketchUp and placed at the locations were the drawings were believed to have been created. Animated flight paths between each virtual billboard attempted to show the spatial context of the drawings. The Google Earth virtual tour was converted to a video which was played within the exhibition space to complement the physical exhibition. A web-friendly version of this video can be seen on the right.

View larger version

Research Outcomes
Priestnall, G. and Cowton, J. (2009) Putting Landscape Drawings in their place: Virtual Tours in an Exhibition Context, Submitted to the Geospatial computing for the arts, humanities and cultural heritage workshop at the fifth IEEE e-Science conference, Oxford, UK, 9-11th December 2009.

Related Links
Wordsworth Trust Web Site