Charles Watkins
School of Geography ,
The University of Nottingham,
University Park,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD



Professor of cultural geography in the School of Geography, the University of Nottingham. Main research interests are in rural and historical geography. Current research themes include landscape history, contemporary land management and conservation, the cultural history of trees and woodlands, the ecological history of trees and woodlands and the historical geography of agriculture. Research has been funded by ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, MAFF, Forestry Commission, English Nature, the Environment Agency and the European Union.

Research Projects include:

  • The Primavera Project (with Roy Haines-Young) is examining the use of remotely sensed and other data for the management of land of conservation and landscape significance. The project uses the South Downs Conservation Board as a case study and compares land management in England with Italy and Greece
  • I am working with with Ross Balzaretti and Diego Moreno on the landscape history of the Val di Vara in Eastern Liguria
  • With Susanne Seymour and Rob Fish on a MAFF funded project examining the attitudes of farmers and landowners to features of landscape and conservation importance in England.
    Research continues on a cultural history of trees and woodland in England 1600-2000.


Wollaton Hall (Nottingham) --------------------Landscape History of Liguria

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