Gary Priestnall
School of Geography ,
The University of Nottingham,
University Park,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD



A lecturer in Geographical Information Science in the School of Geography, The University of Nottingham. Research draws upon a background in Physical Geography, Art, Computer Science and more recently Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Pattern recognition in maps, satellite imagery and LiDAR digital surface models has been an ongoing area of interest. Landscape visualisation and GIS have been combined with studies recreating past, present and future landscapes for Environmental Impact Assessment and in the creation of interactive CD-ROMs to convey landscape change. The combined use of computer visualisation, GIS and community art has provided fascinating and rewarding opportunities recently. Notions of representation are being explored both in terms of effective visualisation of urban environments and movements within these environments, and also exploring engaging and intuitive forms of representation for use in consultation exercises.

Landscape Visualisation: Natural and urban, photorealistic and abstract

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