Mecoli-Sparks [Profile]

Theme: 3D Model

3D view of gallery

Sketches of Hawley Square
Mixed media

The body of work on show throughout the gallery is the tangible outcome of Mecoli-Sparks' response to an unfamiliar, urban site, Hawley Square in Margate, Kent. Sketches of Hawley Square: Spring, Autumn and Winter reflect the dynamic engagement between site, artist and art over time. Over several months, the sketches move from 2D to 3D, taking on varying forms of abstraction. Sketches of Hawley Square: Spring, Autumn and Winter demonstrate the organic development of processes ranging from writing and computer imagery through architectural modeling, sculptural relief, construction and installation. Materials are drawn from the language of architectural model-making and building construction. By changing the scale of the building forms from 1:1000 to 1:100, and the configuration of the 'square' and its components, the work is transformed. Like the Hawley Square in Margate, each 'Sketch of Hawley Square' in the gallery builds on and incorporates some memory of what came before.

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