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France Coastal Dunes: Fieldwork 2007

North Atlantic Oscillation impacts on sand drift 

The following photos were taken on a sampling trip to the Landes de Gascogne in January 2007. I was ably assisted in undertaking this fieldwork by my colleagues, Ian Conway & Teresa Needham. Prof Jean-Pierre Tastet accompanied us to all of the sites. JP is not only a dune expert but took up the challenge of improving Teresa's French, showing her how to map-read, Gallic-style, cook Muntjac stew and drink wine from the Margaux appellation!!



The Dune de Pyla (Pilat)


cazalis blowout  

Parabolic dune at Cazalis: sampling in the snow

cazalis sampling

Around Soustons: sampling in hail and rain

  Cap Breton

Cap Breton lunch   


So what if its gone dark? Typical 12 hour working days

Azur, if we could see it!


Enjoying French cuisine: pains aux raisins in Bordeaux


Enjoying French wine: Chateau des Graviers, Margaux

wine tasting

Graviers 2