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Surface Science Summer School
The University of Nottingham
Sunday 21st - Friday 26th August 2005

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Focusing on the fundamental, conceptual, instrumental and applied aspects of surface science, this one week Summer School will provide advanced interdisciplinary and transferable skills development for research students. This includes training in theoretical concepts, presentation skills, instrumentation, and the streamlining of research ideas into the preparation of a basic research proposal. "Hands on" training sessions will also promote the consideration of theoretical techniques by experimentalists, and vice versa. Internationally renowned speakers from the UK and overseas will deliver lectures and run small group tutorials, workshops, and problems classes in their specialist areas. Students will be encouraged to "see beyond" their specialist sub-field and thereby appreciate the intensely cross-disciplinary nature of surface science and nanoscience, as well as encouraged to consider the wider ethical and societal implications of their research.

Organizing committee for the SSSS'05 Nottingham
Professor Philip Moriarty, Physics, Nottingham
Dr. Martin McCoustra, Chemistry, Nottingham
Professor Clive Roberts, Pharmacy, Nottingham
Dr. Georg Held, Chemistry, Cambridge
Dr. Frances Jones, Chemistry, UCL
Professor Nicholas Harrison, Chemistry, ICL and Computational Materials Science, CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory

Overview (in PDF format)

Timetable (in PDF format)

Keynote lecture

Low dimensional surface structures
Professor Franz Himpsel, University of Wisconsin

Sponsored by the Institute of Nanotechnology IoN logo

Nanotechnology: Radical New Science or Plus Ça Change?
Click here for details
Press Release


Developing Research Proposals

Helpful information on writing research proposals:

Career Paths for Surface Science PhDs

A presentation and Q&A session led by Prof. Peter Feibelman, author of A PhD Is Not Enough.

"Hands-on" training

All participants are required to fill an online form to select training sessions.

Maps and Directions

Travel by air
Travel within the UK
A map of the University Park campus

Although SSSS'05 Nottingham is open to postgraduate researchers in all areas of surface science, preference will be given to EPSRC-supported students. (Approximately 80 places in total are available.) EPSRC students will only require funds to cover travel to and from the Summer School - all other costs related to the School are covered. Non-EPSRC students should contact Philip Moriarty for further information regarding possible bursaries.

Please use the online registration for application.
The deadline for application is Monday 15th August 2005.

All participants are required to prepare a poster relating to their research work (A0 size maximum).

General enquiries and additional information regarding the Summer School
should be addressed to
Professor Philip Moriarty
Tel: (+44) (0) 115 951 5156
E-mail: Philip.Moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk

