Quadropole Mass Spectrometer


The Quadropole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) on this experiment is used to measure;

Typical mass spectra of the UHV chamber are shown below, illustrating the cleanliness of the vacuum
and confirming that H2 is the major species present at UHV.

typical mass spectra

The QMS is equipped with a Secondary Electron Multiplier (SEM) detector which measures the number of electrons reaching the detecting element per second, rather than counting the ions directly. The amplified electron signal is much greater than the total number of ions reaching the quadropole, and this instrument is consequently very sensitive.

The mass spectrometer was purchased from Hiden Logo Hiden Analytical

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The Surface Astrophysics experiment is part of NAREF Nottingham Astronomy Research Forum
and is based in the Surface Science Group in the School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham

These pages were last updated 14/10/01