Results from the 
Surface Astrophysics Experiment


This page will keep you up to date on the progress of the Nottingham Surface Astrophysics experiment. From here you can access our Publications, Reports and Conference Contributions as well as finding up to date information on the most recent happenings in the laboratory.

News!! News!! News!!

14th October 1999

Over the past 12 - 14 months we have been constructing, commissioning and calibrating this exciting new experiment. Things have grown from this....

1st stage of construction 2nd stage of construction
September 1998  to this...(April 1999)  to this...(August 1999) 

We now have our very first results. An amorphous ice film was grown by dosing pure de-ionised water into the UHV chamber. The RAIRS spectrum clearly shows the bulk and surface OH stretching vibrations. The QCM indicate how much water has actually been laid down to form ice. Initial estimates show that at least 18ML of H2O have been deposited on the QCM sample over the 7 minute dosing period.

first dangling bond ice spectrum
first QCM results

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The Surface Astrophysics experiment is part of NAREF Nottingham Astronomy Research Forum
and is based in the Surface Science Group in the School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham

These pages were last updated 14/10/01