Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE - Genus Cardiocondyla - Cardiocondyla israelica Seifert

Cardiocondyla israelica Seifert

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Egypt (Seifert, 2003: 231, illustrated, worker) Sinai, 1935, W Wittmer; unjustifiably named israelica as the type location is in Egypt - no images on Antweb (March 2015).

{short description of image}Seifert's (2003) description is at {original description}.

Egypt records - type specimen and one paratype worker from "Tor" = Al-Tor, administrative capital of South Sinai Governorate, 25.ii.1935, collector W Wittmer - originally labelled as syntypes of C. elegans var torretassoi [W Wittmer collections covered in Finzi, 1936]; 5 paratype workers, from 31° 31" E, 30° 36" N, Ebn Salam, Mansora, salty soil, Tamarix & Phragmites, collector Sharaf, 7.xi.2002 (samples No 23, 27 & 28)..

Others - 1 worker paratype from Neot Hakikar (Dead Sea), Israel, 21.iii.1980, collector Kugler; 1 gyne paratype, from Ein Agrabim, Israel, 22.iii.1980, collector Kugler.
Sharaf list - Material examined: Ebn Salam (El-Daqahliya, Egypt), 13.iv.1999 (8); Ebn Salam (El-Daqahliya, Egypt), 7.xi.2002 (9); Ebn Salam (El-Daqahliya, Egypt), 16.iv.1999 (1) (SHC); Ebn Salam (Daqahliya, Egypt), 13.v.1999 (16) Leg. M.R.Sharaf (ASUC).

Oxford University Museum specimens

Cardiocondyla israelica
B Taylor det.
M Sharaf

Ebu Salam
31°10' N
31°35' E
{original description}

{Cardiocondyla israelica}The photomontage is of specimens from Egypt, Mansurah, Ebu Salam; collector Mostafa Sharaf. 

©2006, 2008, 2012, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
