Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY FORMICINAE - Genus Cataglyphis - Cataglyphis bombycinus (Roger)
details of morphs
main species page

{Catagylphis bombycinus major} The following are specimens from Israel, collected at Timna, 5.iii.1980, by B Shalmon; courtesy of Prof J Kugler and Armin Ionescu, University of Tel Aviv.

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{Catagylphis bombycinus media Egypt}Media 1 worker from Egypt
Collected from Wadi Allaqi, Aswan, E x°x' N x°x'; 23.xii.1997 (major) and Zaranik, N Sinai, E 34°26' N 30°39'; 7.v.2003 (minor) by Mostafa Sharaf.

{Catagylphis bombycinus minor Egypt}Minor worker from Egypt.

{Catagylphis bombycinus media}Media worker from Sudan.
Collected at Selima Oasis, 21°22'16.90" N 29°18'64.15" E, 2009, by Prof. Zuheir Nour el Dayem Mahmoud.

©2006, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
