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SUBFAMILY FORMICINAE - Genus Cataglyphis - Cataglyphis nodus (Brullé)


Cataglyphis nodus (Brullé)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Greece (Formica nodus, Brullé, 1832: 326, illustrated, worker; raised to species Arnold'i, 1964: 1802; see Collingwood, 1985: 290; Agosti, 1990a: 1489) - no images on Antweb (July 2014)
junior synonyms
orientalis (Forel, 1895d: 228, worker; synonymy by Emery, 1925b: 265; Finzi, 1928c: 791) from Turkey - see
caucasicola (Arnold'i, 1964: 1803, illustrated, worker & male; synonymy by Dlussky, Soyunov & Zabelin, 1990: 153) from Georgia - see below
mesasiaticus (Arnold'i, 1964: 1803, illustrated, worker & male; synonymy by Dlussky, Soyunov & Zabelin, 1990: 153) from Uzbekistan - no images on Antweb (August 2015).
unavailable name rufiventris (Myrmecocystus (Cataglyphis) viaticus F. subsp. orientalis Forel v. rufiventris n. var., Forel, 1911d: 353, worker & queen; Cataglyphis bicolor (F.) var. rufiventris Forel, Emery, 1925b: 265) Greece, Corfu, Dr Vejas - see

{Cataglyphis nodus}Brullé's (1832) description is at {original description} [unavailable]. Forel's (1895d) cursory description of orientalis is at {original description}. Arnold'i (1964) - in Russian - gave a description and tabular comparison of nodus, this is at {original description}; his description of caucasicola is at {original description}; and of mesasiatica is at {original description}. Forel (191d) simply noted rufiventris as having the first and part of the second gaster segment being reddish

Note: The type worker of Cataglyphis nigripes from Georgia appears to exactly match the specimen of caucasicola and the fresh workers from Iran shown below.

{Cataglyphis nodus petioles}WORKER - TL 5.0-12.7 mm

Collingwood (1985) simply had -"there is an old record for this bicoloured South East European species from Riyadh but no specimens that could properly be assigned to C. nodus were seen during the present study".

Egypt records - as Cataglyphis viatica ssp bicolor var orientalis in Wheeler & Mann (1916) from Wadi Feran & Wadi Gharandel, Sinai Peninsula. Menozzi (1929e: 128) reported one worker, collected in Sinai, at Wadi Feiran, by F S Bodenheimer.Sharaf list - Fayoum, 5.v.1952 (3); Marsa Matrouh, viii.1953 (1); Suez, 12.iii.1951 (1); Rasheed, iv.1952 (1); Barrage, 17.vii.1955 (1) (ASUC); Faiyum, 9.v.1953 (23); Giza, 3.v.1953 (5); Giza, 14.iv.1953 (2); Giza, 15.iii.1953 (2); Faiyum, 15.v.1953 (3); Giza, 15.v.1953 (1); Faiyum, 15.iv.1953 (1); Giza, ix.1952 (4); Giza, 29.xii.1952 (12); Giza, 5.i.1953 (25); Giza, 15.i.1953 (2); Giza, 24.iv.1955 (2); Abu-Rawash, 28.i.1956 (1); Giza, 24.iii.1956 (1); Abu-Raawsh, 2ii.1955 (1); Dakhla, 17.iv.1917 (1); Burg, 4.v.1955, Shafeeq (1?); Abu-Raawsh,23.iii.1939, Shabaan (1?); Burg, 4.v.1953, Shafeeq (1?); Faiyum, 15.v.1953 (2?) (CUC).

The Mohamad thesis (1979) had - Etaka, 22.ii.1951; Suez, 27.iii.1951; Rosetta, 19.iv.1952; El-Mansuryia, 23.iv.1952; Fayium, 2 & 5.v.1952, 15.iv, 15.v.1953; Marsa Matrouh, viii.1953; Abu Rawash, 8.i, 9.iii.1954; Barrage, 17.viii.1955; Sohag (Upper Egypt), 5.ii.1975; Luxor (Upper Egypt), 6.ii.1975; Kom Osheim, 28.ii.1975; Heliopolis (Cairo), 1.iii, 12-13.iv.1975; Alexandria, 27.iii.1975; Zeitoun, 27.iv.1975; Gebel Asfar (Qaliobyia), 3.i.1975; Abu Rawash,; Damietta (Nile Delta), 31.vii.1975; Mariut, 16.x.1975; Siwa oasis (Western desert), 9-14.iv.1976; Tanta, 7.xii.2977; Kafr El-Sheikh (Nile Delta), 22.xii.1977; Belbis (Sharqyia), 20.i.1978; Quiesna (Nile Delta), 21-25.i.1978; Kharga oasis (Western desert), 22-25.i.1978; Ghardaqa (Red Sea), 23.i.1978; El-Simbellawein (Dakahlyia), 24.i, 8,ii.1978; El-Shuhada, 25.i.1978; Mit Ghamr (Dakahlyia), 26.i., 24.ii.1978; Menyia el-Qamh (Sharqyia), 31.i.1978; Dakhla oasis (western desert), 2-4.ii.1978; Baharyia oasis (Western desert), 2-6.ii.1978 (Coll.Ain.). Dakhla oasis (western desert), 17.iv.1917; Abu Rawash, 23.iii.1939; 2.ii.1955; 28.i.1956; Giza,ix, 29.xii.1952; 15.iii, 14.iv.1953; 24.iii.1956; Fayium, 29.xii.1952; El-Burg, 4.v.1955 (Coll.Car.).

{Cataglyphis nodus}The photomontage (right) of a paratype worker of caucasicola is collated from the images at

{Caataglyphis nodus major}The photomontage is of a major worker from Iran; Kamardaq; collected by E Aram (16).

{Caataglyphis nodus media}The photomontage is of a media worker from Iran; Kamardaq; collected by E Aram (16).

{Caataglyphis nodus minor}The photomontage is of a minor worker from Iran; Kamardaq; collected by E Aram (16).

{Cataglyphis nodus}WORKER The photomontage is collated from photographs of a worker from Turkey, Antalya, taken by David King.

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