Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY CERAPACHYINAE - Genus Cerapachys - Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr)

Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location India (Lioponera longitarsus, Mayr, 1879: 667, worker & queen; Forel, 1900d: 329, male; see Brown, 1975: 23) - see below
junior synonyms
aegyptiacus (Lioponera cooperi, Donisthorpe, 1939a: 256, male; replacement name Cerapachys aegyptiacus Brown, 1975: 22, rename only, no other information on p 63; synonymy Bolton, 1995: 142) from Egypt, Siwa, J Omer-Coooper - see below
alfierii (Lioponera alfierii, Donisthorpe, 1939a: 256, male; new synonymy Bolton, 1995: 142) from Egypt, Wadi Diola, Alfieri - see
australis (Lioponera longitarsus Mayr v. australis n. var., Forel, 1895f: 422, worker; synonymy Brown 1975) from Australia, Mackay, Queensland, Gilbert Turner - no images on Antweb (October 2015)
bicolor (Phyracaces bicolor n. sp., Clark, 1924: 77, illustrated, worker & queen; synonymy Brown 1975) from Australia, Western Australia, Armadale, J Clark - see
parva (Lioponera longitarsis Mayr race L. parva nov. stirps, Forel, 1900d: 330, worker & male; synonymy Brown 1975) from India - Calcutta -
pygmaeus (Phyracaces pygmaeus sp. nov., Clark, 1934b: 26, illustrated, worker; synonymy Brown 1975) from Australia, north Queensland - see

{Cerapachys longitarsus antenna} {Cerapachys longitarsus}Mayr's (1879) description is at {original description} Forel's (1900d) descriptions of the male and parva are at {original description} Bingham (1903: 26) gave an illustrated description; this is at {original description} Clark's (1924) description of bicolor is at {original description} Clark's (1934b) description of pygmaeus is at {original description} Donisthorpe's (1939a) descriptions of alfierii and cooperi are at {original description}

Egypt records - In HNS as Lioponera alfierii Donisthorpe and Lioponera cooperi Donisthorpe - cooperi - two males from Siwa, and Maragi Oasis,, J Omer Cooper; alfierii - 1 male, Wada Digla, 23.vii.1935, Alfieri; also listed in Donisthorpe (1942a). The photomontage of a non-type worker is collated from

Note: as all available images, other than the two Egyptian sexuals, are of workers, it is not possible to be sure of an association between the Egypt species and the type otherwise not reported from west of India.

There is a worker from Israel shown on Antweb (at but that has a quite different shape to the head in full face view to that of australis and pygmaeus. Thus the synonymy by Brown seems open to question.

The finding of workers of what seem likely to be the previously unknown workers of C. noctambulus from Senegal support this.

Cerapachys longitarsusThe photomontage is of the holotype worker collated from

Cerapachys cooperiThe photomontage of the aegyptiacus (cooperi) type male is collated from

Cerapachys alfieriiThe photomontage of the alfierii type male is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
