Lepisiota nigra (Dalla Torre)
Type location Italy (Acantholepis
frauenfeldi var nigra Em., Dalla Torre, 1893: 171, all
species status Zimmermann, 1935: 45; confirmed by Agosti &
Collingwood, 1987a: 57) all forms described.
Torre's (1893) paper simply provides a list of
this is on . The name nigra
is ascribed to Emery (1878b: 46; 1881b: 527; and it appears by letter
to Dalla Torre - this is on . Karavaiev (1912a: 15)
referred to it in his description of Lepisiota nigrescens, this
is on , his drawing of the petiole shape has
it as wider than that of nigrescens.
From Emery (1878b)
it seems clear that nigra was
assigned to black specimens from desert areas with workers TL 2.8-3.0
mm, possibly alternatively identifable as bipartita, which (in
Bolton, 1995: 326) remains as a subspecies of Lepisiota
frauenfeldi. In his key, Finzi (1936: 188) noted - petiole
scale large (bipartita
type); maximum width at about about double the depth of the incision of
the scale. Tarbinsky (1976: 129) considered nigra and frauenfeldi
kassanasi providing illustrations of the nigra
sexual stages; the text, however, is in Russian.
Emery (1881b: 572) reported it from Yemen, Aden.
Collingwood & Agosti (1996: 368) had records from Saudi Arabia,
Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.
Egypt records - Finzi (1936: 186) citing Menozzi
(1929e: 128), which was one worker from Sinai, at Wadi Tarfa, collected
by F S Bodenheimer; Emery record in Mohamed et al (2001).