The 10th Birmingham-Nottingham Extragalactic Workshop - 1st Announcement "Galaxy Interactions and Mergers" Nottingham, UK July 4-5, 2007 This Extragalactic Workshops will be an informal 2-day events, with the aim of bringing together observation and theory in a topical and well-focused area of extragalactic astronomy. This year's topic is focused on the role of galaxy interactions and mergers in galaxy formation and cosmology. Further details of this topic are given below. The workshop, involving ~50 participants, will be the 10th in the series of extragalactic workshops. The format will include a mixture of 15 and 30 minute talks, leaving plenty of time for discussion. The meeting will start at 10:00am on July 4th and conclude at around 5:00pm on the 5th, so that only one overnight stay in Nottingham is required. Please let us know if you would like to attend (an email form is attached below). If you are interested in giving a talk, let us have a title. The basic workshop fee will be 60 pounds per participant. This includes two lunches and an evening meal in a popular venue in Nottingham town centre on the Wednesday evening. Accommodation for the Wednesday night is available in local hotels/B+Bs (a list will be provided to those attending) or student accommodation. The total cost for those staying in student accommodation, including meals & registration, will be around 90 pounds. Please reply by May 1st to so that a preliminary programme can be constructed. Please pass this message on to anyone else you think may be interested. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Christopher J. Conselice ***************************************************************** The 10th Birmingham-Nottingham Extragalactic Workshop Galaxy Interactions and Mergers ------------------------------- Galaxy interactions and mergers are potentially the dominate method by which galaxies and central massive black holes form in the universe. This hierarchical structure formation for galaxies is furthermore one of the central pillars of the Lambda-Cold Dark Matter Model. Despite the importance of interactions and mergers, we are just beginning to observationally measure these properties. A workshop on this fast developing subject is therefore warranted. Some questions we will address include: what role do mergers play in the formation of galaxies, both in theory and in observations? What techniques are the best for tracing mergers and interactions? What is the relative role of 'dry' vs. 'wet' mergers in forming massive galaxies? What is the role of galaxy interactions as opposed to mergers in triggering star formation? What do galaxy simulations and theory predict for the merger history, and how do these agree with the available data? The aim of this workshop is to bring together observations, theory and simulations to address the role of galaxy interactions and mergers in the galaxy formation process. The Extragalactic Workshops typically involve ~50 participants, and this year will be held in the School of Physics & Astronomy at Nottingham University. The format will be similar to previous workshops in the series, with a mixture of 15 and 30 minute talks, leaving plenty of time for discussion. **************************************************************** Please send this form to by May 1st. The 10th Extragalactic Workshop "Galaxy Interactions and Mergers" Name:- Institute:- I would like to attend the Workshop on July 4th and 5th I would like to give a talk entitled:- (Delete if not applicable) Preferred duration [15min/30min]: ***************************************************************