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Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
School of Physics

David Bray

Email address: ppxdjb@nottingham.ac.uk
Research title: Satistical Properties of a Randomly Excited Granular Fluid.
Research interest: When dissipative particles are excited by a random force the velocity statistics are far form those predicted by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The research performs one and two dimensional molecular dynamic simulations for a variety of dissipation extents. These systems exhibit spatial inhomogeneities which manifest in the statistical behaviour of both particle position and velocity.
Publications: "Velocity Statistics in Dissipative, Dense Granular Beds", D. J. Bray, M. R. Swift and P. J. King, Phys. Rev. E, 75, 062301 (2007).
Personal website: