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Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
School of Physics

Katerina-Daphne Klotsa

Email address: ppxkdk@nottingham.ac.uk
Research title: Pattern formation in oscillatory fluid flows
Research interests: My current research is on the hydrodynamic interactions between rigid spheres in oscillatory fluid flows, at intermediate Reynolds numbers. More details about what I do can be found here. Previoulsy I have worked on biophysical systems, studying theoretically the electronic properties of DNA. I am interested in biofluiddynamics, fluid-mediated pattern formation and soft-matter.
Publications: [1]. "Chain formation of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows'', D. Klotsa, M. R. Swift, R. M. Bowley and P. J. King, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 021302 (2009).

[2]. "The interaction of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows'', D. Klotsa, M. R. Swift, R. M. Bowley and P. J. King, Phys. Rev. E, 76, 056314 (2007).

[3]. "Electronic transport in DNA'', D. Klotsa, R. A. Romer and M. S. Turner, Biophys.J., 89, 2187 (2005).

[4]. "Electronic transport in DNA-the disorder perspective'', D. Klotsa, R. A. Romer and M. S. Turner, AIP Conf. Proc., 772, 1093 (2005).

Personal website: Daphne's website