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Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
Nottingham Granular Dynamics Group
School of Physics

Kathryn Taylor

Email address: ppxkt@nottingham.ac.uk
Research title: The Influence of Magnetic Cohesion on the Stability of Granular Slopes
Research interest: When placed in a very strong magnetic field, magnetic dipole moments are induced in weakly magnetic particles. These dipole moments interact, resulting in magnetic cohesion between the particles. One parameter used as a measure of cohesion is the angle of repose of a granular pile. We have investigated the effect of magnetic cohesion on the angle of repose, using two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of granular piles.
Publications: "Influence of magnetic cohesion on the stability of granular slopes" K. Taylor, P. J. King, and M. R. Swift, Physical Review E, 78, 031304 (2008).
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