School of Physics & Astronomy

The Third Year Options



The "Introduction to cosmology" module contains a number of topics:

The detailed contents are given below.

Week 1 is registration week. The first lecture will be on the Monday of week 2

0. Introduction (1 lecture)

Lecture Content
Introduction Introduction to cosmology

1. Expanding Universe (6 lectures)

Lecture Content
Expanding 1 Introduction
cosmological principle
expansion of the Universe and Hubble`s law
comoving coordinates
expansion and redshift
E2 Newtonian cosmology I
Friedmann equation
fluid equation
E3 Newtonian cosmology II
natural units
acceleration equation
what is the Universe made of?
equation of state
E4 Simple cosmological models
matter domination
radiation domination
cosmological constant
E5 Geometry of the Universe
flat Universe
spherical geometry
hyperbolic geometry
critical density
conventions for k and a
E6 Evolution including curvature
late time behaviour
matter domination with non-zero curvature
general solutions

2. Observing the Universe (3 lectures + problem session)

Lecture Content
Observing 1 Expansion rate and age of Universe
present day expansion rate
rough estimate of age
observational limits on age
accurate calculation of age
O2 Light travel and horizons
Robertson-Walker metric
redshift revisited
cosmological horizon
event horizon
O3 Distances
proper distance
luminosity distance
angular diameter distance

3. Thermal history (3 lectures)

Lecture Content
Thermal 1 Introduction
Black body spectrum
photon to baryon ratio
matter-radiation equality
temperature-time relation
T2 Nucleosynthesis
simplified calculation
full results and comparison with observations
T3 Cosmic microwave background radiation and summary
measuring the geometry of the Universe
summary of thermal history

4. Dark side (2 lectures)

Lecture Content
Dark side 1 Dark matter
galaxy rotation curves
galaxy clusters
large scale structure
other dark matter candidates
DS2 Dark energy
Lambda and decceleration parameter revisited
type 1a supernovae
cosmological constant problem
fluid description

5. Early Universe (2 lectures + problem session)

Lecture Content
Early Universe 1 Problems with Big Bang
relic abundances
EU2 Inflation
what is it?
solving the Big Bang problems
how much inflation?
what drives inflation?

G. Guest lectures: details TBA

R. Revision (1 lecture)

Lecture Content
Revision Revision