NANOCAGE: Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Manipulation of Caged Atoms
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Network Publications

As the start date of the NANOCAGE contract was 1st June 2004, there are as yet no network publications. However, please visit the websites of the NANOCAGE network institutions (listed under Vacancies and Contacts) for lists of publications by the groups.


The kick-off meeting for the network was held on July 12th 2004 in Nottingham. Presentations (in .pdf format) from each of the groups may be downloaded below. These outline recent research highlights and describe projects to be undertaken within the NANOCAGE consortium.

"Fullerenes on Silicon: Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Manipulation"; Nottingham group presentation, kick-off meeting (12th July 2004) (N.B. This is a large (4260 kB) file).